Tuesday, March 22, 2016

When is enough, enough ???
We all take precautions to avert or repair obvious problems that might (and probably will) occur in our lives.   As an example of this is why we carry an inflated spare tire in our cars.   It would be very irresponsible to have a flat tire with no way to get back on the road. 
In other words, I'm talking about doping what is necessary to avoid an obvious problem, rather than deal with it after the problem takes place.
In the case of terrorism, we deal with it after it has occurred.   Since we know what group is primarily responsible, why aren't we keeping them out of our country ?   Of course, you all know which people I'm referring to...muslims. 
I know all the liberal and politically correct arguments on their behalf.   The bottom line is that islam is not a religion ans all muslims are obligated to destroy all non-believers.
We, here in the United States have practiced the elimination or denial of entry for specific peoples since the earl days of this country.
1656 - Quakers were not allowed to settle here.
1849 - Catholics were not allowed.
1862 - Lincoln passed the "Coolie Act" to keep the Chinese out.
1882 - Exclusion Act prohibits criminals and anyone that can't support themselves from entering.
1903 - Anarchist Act excludes people based on their political ideology (muslims).
1917 - No Eastern Asians or Pacific Islanders permitted.
1921 - Quota Act keeping out Europeans, Africans, Australians, Persians, Turkish, etc.
1929 - 1936  Mexican "Repatriation Act" forced illegals back into Mexico
1942 - Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066, placing all Japanese in internment camps.
1942 - 900 Native Alaskans were put in internment camps.
1996 - Clinton signs 897KB to deny all public assistance to illegals.
As you can see, we have laws in place that can put an end to illegal immigration, but stop the threat (soon to be a reality) of islam and its sharia law.
One problem has been the Democrats supporting Obama's Deferred Action, and his Executive Action to prevent deportation.
Why do they come here ?   For free food, shelter, education, medical, housing, etc.   If we stop this, most will go back home and only the criminals will stay.   As far as muslims are to be dealt with...it won't be the first time that we rounded up people that posed a threat to us.
Do we need another 9/11 before we act ?   Look what is happening in Europe.   We're next unless we eradicate all muslims form the United States.   I know, there might be some "good ones" but neither you or I know who they are.   Political correctness and liberal, bleeding hearts have made the islamic invasion possible.   Today, almost every European regrets their humanitarian policy of permitting muslims into their countries.
Bottom line is...first, we must get every muslim out of the United States and not permit any to enter.   Then, the world has to make the decision and act upon it to erase islam from the earth.   This is a hard concept to grasp, but if not done soon, you and I will regret that we didn't do what was necessary in time.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Democratic Debate
I just watched the Democratic Debate with Clinton, Sanders, and O'Malley.
It was very interesting in not only hearing their views and the ways they would solve various problems, but their actions, body language, and behavior.   
My observations are as follows (in alphabetical order):
Although she was the most verbal, she came on as a bully, constantly interrupting Sanders and talking over both of the moderators.   She practiced a lot of self control to keep from crossing the line of showing her to be the shrew that we know her to be, even shouting to be heard when someone else was speaking.   Her body language made me think that she was either not being very truthful and had a more devastating agenda.   She was pretty scary at times.  In spite of that, she showed that she was not only extremely passionate and driven in her bid to become President and that she was a powerful candidate.
He came off as being the most sincere and believable of the three candidates.   Also, being very knowledgeable, his proposals were too extremely socialistic.   He seemed very likable, as though he was a friend just sharing his point of view.
Even though he was given the least amount of time to talk, his proposals made the most sense.   In addition he had the most experience in solving some of our social problems while he was a Mayor and the Governor.   The problem that I have with him was that he showed no power or strength compared to the others.

The bottom line (for me) was that there really weren't any winners or losers in this debate.
Obviously, O'Malley won't win the nomination and Sanders doesn't have as big a campaign machine as Clinton.   If Sanders will just ask us if we want Obama 2.0 then vote for Clinton.  If we're finally tired of the way Washington is working then we should vote for him.

Monday, December 07, 2015

Does History Repeat Itself ?

In 1941, when the United States was attacked by the Japanese, our President immediately did two things.   First, he declared WAR (having Congress vote for it), then he had all of the Japanese living in this country, rounded up and put in Internment Camps.
By taking the Japanese (good or bad) out of society, we had no militant (or radical) Japanese doing any kind of attacks on our civilians.
So, why isn't our President doing the same thing with the muslim population ?   Why hasn't he asked Congress (oh, I forgot...he disregards Congress) for a Declaration of War (France has done it) against ISIS ?   Why is he reluctant to round up this islamic evil and put them in Internment Camps ?
It's obviously a good idea.   However, in this era of political correctness, who will step up first and say it the way it is ?   All muslims are dedicated to the overthrow of Democracy, our Constitution, our freedom, and most of all, all the religions that are practiced here.
These most recent attacks by muslims aren't going to be the last of them.   If our leaders in Washington are doing nothing to stop this, then it is left in the hands of the rest of us.   All muslims must either be put out of our country or interred.   As far as islam is concerned, due to the fact that it is not a religion, it must be made illegal to observe it.   All mosques must be torn down and any schools teaching sharia law must be shut down.   We must rid our country of this cancer called islam before it's too late.
I challenge anyone in Congress to do anything about this threat to the American way of life.
Why has our President condoned islam to the point where we are all asked yo "be vigilant" ?
Why do I as a free American have to constantly be looking over my shoulder to see if it's the next attack happening ?
Get those muslims and their sympathizers out of the United States.   Don't wait, start today as each day that goes by, there are more of them and the threat grows bigger.

Saturday, December 05, 2015

So, now we both know.
In this world of political correctness, we can't say that there are "good" people or "bad" people.   When it comes to muslims, we either call them "moderate" or "radical".
The truth is that there are no "good" muslims.   The ones that are called "moderate", all want you dead.   The ones that are called "radical" will kill you.
The radical (or radicalized) muslims are already creating chaos with their bombings and mass shootings.   The moderate muslims have another scheme.   They are reproducing at an alarming rate so as to become an overwhelming majority in the worlds population in order to instill sharia law worldwide.
                    A good muslim wants you dead; a bad muslim will kill you ! 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Another alternative...(part 2)

If you didn't like the preceding method of dealing with ISIS, then this may be a more acceptable plan for you.
First, the United States pull ALL troops out of the Middle East.
Let ISIS overrun the Middle East.   It's up to those countries to defend themselves.
If ISIS moves beyond the Middle East, we kill every member doing so.
Next, we bomb ALL of their oil fields to cut off their major income.
Then we confiscate ALL of their property and money in this country.

Since the "volunteers" in ISIS are mostly from very poor areas where they earn less than $7 per week, and ISIS is paying them $700 per month, it's an easy way to support their families.
Once the flow of money stops, over 90% of ISIS members will abandon ISIS.
Then, once ISIS is smaller and contained, we can bomb the remaining members out of existence.

We then rethink how we're going to get rid of the muslim infiltration (over 8 million already here) in America.
More on that later


Sunday, November 22, 2015

New Strategy for War against ISIS

So far, our efforts to stop ISIS are failing.   No matter how much we bomb and shoot them, they keep growing and extending their reach.   I have come up with several new strategies that no one has thought of or expressed so far.  Today I will give you the SHORT TERM APPROACH.
Let's take a lesson from WWII.   To stop the Nazi forces and have the Germans surrender, thus bringing the war in Europe to a halt, we sent thousands of bombers over Germany and just about leveled the country in a few days.   We weren't concerned with being politically correct.   We let the military make the decisions, not Congress (that knows nothing about how to win a war.   This strategy not only ended the war in Europe, but saved millions of lives. 
If we were to do the same thing in Syria and the other territories that are now controlled by ISIS, this certainly would eliminate most or all of them immediately.
I know that this is politically incorrect.   However, is it politically correct to let thousands of people become displaced ?   Is it politically to continue to have lives lost ?   Obviously, the people running this war think so.
So, with the military hands no longer tied and massive bombings everywhere that ISIS is, we stop their terror instantly.   
You ask about the innocent civilians.   They are already leaving by the tens of thousands.
You ask about what will transpire among those that are left.   You ask about the other regimes in the area.   We can get back to dealing with them after ISIS has been eliminated.
Under no circumstance should we put even one American life at risk to save an ungrateful and cowardly population.   There shall be NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND.   Just bomb, wave after wave, 24 hrs. a day, until all of these territories are leveled.   We did it in Germany and it worked.   Why can't we do it again with ISIS ?
Tomorrow, I'll give you a LONG TERM APPROACH that you might like even better if this one isn't acceptable to you.
In the meantime, be vigilant, the next terror attack can happen anywhere, anytime.

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Coming to an END !!!

New Budget...
Well, the government finally passed it's new budget.   Unfortunately, the cost was giving in to Obama's insistence that the debt ceiling be raised to $19.1 trillion.
What this means is that our debt (not counting the huge daily interest) exceeds our GNP as well as all of the income to the government.   In other words, we are spending and have monetary obligations that exceed our ability to pay the bills.   This puts us on the verge of BANKRUPTCY.   Looking forward, there is no way to pay this debt.

So, what happens when the United States finally stops paying its bills?
We can no longer support our military
We can no longer support the salaries for the tens of millions of government employees
We can no longer pay entitlements (Social Security, pensions, etc.)
We can no longer pay subsidies
We can no longer fund any form of research
We can no longer repair our aging infrastructure
  ...and the list goes on...
Eventually, the government will shut down, and law and order will break down.

What this will mean to you is that not only will your income decrease (or stop), prices will skyrocket because companies that produce a product or service will shut down unless they can charge more (that less people can afford), your personal property will become at risk, your safety will become your own responsibility, and anarchy will break out (stating in the major cities first and moving throughout the country), survival will become the most important thing in your life.
What will you do when the electric power shuts off, the supermarkets run out of food, there is no more gasoline, schools close, your neighbor starts looking at your supplies, people start dying because medicines, food, doctors, police, and even clean water are no longer available ?
When the government finally admits that it can no longer pay its bills, your savings, stocks, annuities, insurance, etc. will become worthless.   Even gold and silver will not be accepted.
The only way out of this is a Civil War (the civilians vs the U.S. military) and the start of a new government.   Every member of government from the President down to the local Dog Catcher must be thrown out of office and never allowed to be in any governmental position again.  Otherwise, our future looks very grim (assuming you even have a future). 
Prepare for the worst will you enjoy the present.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

                         The Budget Battle and Planned Parenthood

It doesn't matter if you're "Right to Life" or "Pro Choice" when it comes to the organization of "Planned Parenthood".   It doesn't even matter whether you believe the allegations against them or not.
What really matters is that the government funds "Planned Parenthood" with over $500,000,000 each year.   Yes, at a time where our government is in such deep debt (over $17 trillion), that they are giving over a half a trillion dollars to a private (special interest) entity.   What makes matters even worse, is the fact that "Planned Parenthood" contributes hundreds of millions of dollars to the Democratic party each year.   Some Democrats consider "Planned Parenthood" as their slush fund.
Now we have come to a time where Congress has to approve or disapprove the government's budget.
Obama has said that if the line item for funding "Planned Parenthood" is deleted from the budget, that he will veto it.   The Democrats are willing to shut down the government over a half a trillion dollar line item.   The Republicans, on the other hand are being just as stubborn by saying that they refuse to include that funding in the budget.
I understand that it's a wonderful thing that there are organizations concerned and helping with the healthcare for woman (no such organization for men) as it is greatly needed, especially for the poor.
But, does that give the government the right to give away your money frivolously ?
Bottom line on this, is that taxpayer money is being freely given to only one organization of this kind and no others, tens of millions of dollars are then funneled back to the Democratic party to use as they please, and you're paying for all of this. 
If this doesn't upset you, then you're not paying attention to the wastefulness that this administration has undertaken.   If this does upset you, then why aren't you sending letters and phone calls to your Representatives in Washington screaming at them to stop all this spending while we have homelessness, hunger, poverty, and substandard education existing in a country to great that none of these things should exist.   A half a trillion dollars each year would go a long way in helping the aforementioned...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Half the news

We've all been seeing the pictures in the news about Syrian refugees trying to enter Europe.  The news of how Hungary is treating this situation appears to be very unkind.   That is how the press in the United States portrays it.   That's only half of the news.
If one were to watch the news in a European country they would see an entirely different picture.
The majority of these refugees are stealing from one another, preying on women, children, and the elderly.   Thousands of these refugees report being robbed; some even raped.   To make matters worse, among the thousands of refugees are several hundred ISIS members using this exodus as a cover to infiltrate Europe.
Dozens of ISIS members have already been arrested in Germany, France and Spain.
Syria is not the only country that these refugees are coming from.  They are coming from Iraq, Iran (mostly ISIS), Turkey, Lebanon, etc.   Not only are arab countries such as Saudi Arabia refusing them admittance, but won't even offer aid because they know the real story about some of these refugees.
Now, the United States wants to accept these people regardless of their political affiliation (ISIS), their criminal history, the diseases that they carry, and their intent to not assimilate into America.
Just watching our news, I felt sorry for them and wanted to do something (maybe a contribution).   When I found out that my money would be going through CAIR, I changed my mind.
I now understand why razor wire and fences are being put up at borders to keep these people out.
Not only does a country take a great risk with its safety, but consider the tremendous expense in housing clothing, and feeding these masses.
Is it in the best interest of the United States to allow them to come here before we take care of the poverty that we already have ?   We complain about the criminal element from Mexico but want to bring in muslim criminals.   That's insane.
This is a muslim problem, let the muslim countries solve it.

Friday, September 11, 2015

WTF ???

Am I the only one that doesn't understand this ?
Of course my heart goes out to all of those people and their children that are fleeing from the Middle East.   Countries all over Europe are allowing a limited number of these refugees into their countries.
Included among them are members of ISIS......wow !
Now here's the confusion.   Obama has said that the United States will accept at least 10,000 of them.
That's like letting the fox into the chicken house.   Don't we already have enough muslims here ?
Why are all of the other muslim countries REFUSING to allow any of these refugees into their countries ?   The answer is obvious; they are a definite THREAT.
So, now we aren't only going to pollute our country with even more muslims, but we're going to use taxpayer money to house, cloth, feed, educate, and make them feel "welcome".   This is absurd.
As the muslim population has increased in the U.S., so has either planned or carried out attacks on Americans.   Now, Obama wants to increase the muslim threat even more.
You should be screaming at your Representatives to not allow this.   It certainly is not in your best interest.   Remember, their "religion" demands that they kill all non-believers like you.
If these refugees are allowed into the U.S., prepare yourself for an increase in muslim attacks all over the country.   If you scoff at this, you're a fool in denial.

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

More than meets the eye...

Planned Parenthood is all over the news these days.   The controversy is about their "allegedly" selling human tissue from abortions to biological research companies and making a "tidy" profit from it.
Since I don't have "a dog in this race" regarding pro or anti abortion, I'm more interested in the financial and political aspects of this organization.
Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization that receives $500,000,000 of your tax dollars each year from the federal government.   Besides the enormous salaries given to the staff, they also make large contributions to candidates running for office and to the DNC.
Isn't this "money laundering" ?   Isn't that illegal ?
To sum up...half a billion dollars of taxpayer money goes to a tax exempt organization and a portion of that is then distributed back to political organizations and candidates.   Since the federal government can't make these political donations, they have found a way to funnel money to the DNC as well as others without anyone's oversight or permission.
To make matters worse, the U.S. Senate just voted against defunding Planned Parenthood so that they could continue to help finance the coming election in 2016.   If you're not a Democrat, you should be raising hell about this.
I see nothing wrong with any organization that wants to advise and help woman decide for or against abortion as we all have freedom of speech and varied opinions on the subject of abortion.   However, for half a billion dollars of your and my money being given to any tax exempt non-profit group should be not only investigated but made illegal.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Cecil the Lion

Everyone is outraged at Walter Palmer (dentist) for killing Cecil the lion in Zimbabwe.
He paid $55,000 for permits and guides to get Cecil.   He seriously wounded Cecil with an arrow and it took 40 hours for this poor creature to die.   Palmer then skinned and beheaded Cecil.
Cecil was a tourist attraction and a source of income from tourists wanting to take pictures of him.
Another issue is that with Cecil gone, other male lions will take over his pride and kill his cub offspring.
A little background of Walter Palmer's killing record:
In 2006 he was convicted of poaching and paid a $3,000 fine.
He has killed 43 animals including a polar bear, mountain lion,elephant,leopard, rhino,elk, big horn sheep, cape buffalo, black bear, etc.
What is the matter with Palmer that he gets joy from killing animals ?   This is an advanced example of when children torture and kill dogs and cats.
If anyone enjoys killing then they should go over to the Middle East and kill members of ISIS.   There are enough of them to satisfy anyone's appetite for killing and would help rid the world of a serious threat.
As far as many are concerned, Palmer should be skinned and his head cut off and mounted as a symbol of the meaningless killing of beautiful wild animals for sport.
Shame on you, Walter Palmer.   You've just became the most hated person in America.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Economic disparity

We all hear talk about economic disparity as an emotional issue.    Some of us are affected by it as we may be at the bottom of the wage range, earning minimum wages (or even less).
There always has been and always will be a huge difference between the highest and the lowest wage earners.   In examining this I've come to some thoughts about it.   You may agree or disagree, but they're worth at least thinking about.
(1) There's talk about raising the federal minimum wage to $15/ hr.
Why not raise it to $100/ hr. ?   As wages rise, so does the cost of living.   You can continue to raise wages but it's only a temporary fix for those at the bottom of the wage scale.
(2) As the cost of labor increases, so does the cost of goods and services.   Therefore, the lowest wage earners eventually end up where they were (in purchasing power) before a wage increase.
(3) Increases in wages DOES NOT increase productivity.
(4) Increased minimum wages cause unemployment.   If an employer must pay more and still be competitive, he must reduce his workforce.
(5) The only real beneficiary of increased wages is the government.   As one moves into greater income, they also move into paying more taxes in sales tax, income tax, social security, etc. 
(6) Raising wages is no incentive for workers to better themselves to seek better jobs.
(7) Raising wages makes the good worker resent the poor worker as they are both being paid the same for more or less effort.
(8) People on fixed incomes are penalized by the increase in their cost of living without any chance to increase their income.
Shouldn't a pay raise be the incentive for one to achieve better productivity ?   If one employee is giving their employer 110% and another is only giving 50%, are they both entitled to the same raise in pay ?   Of course not.   I'm an advocate of merit raises.   That keeps the best employees striving harder and staying longer.   
If you're working for minimum wages and they are raised, that sends the message that you don't have to do anything to increase your worth to your employer... you're "entitled" to it.
The real solution to increasing one's income is that they become better educated so they qualify for those better paying jobs.   There will always be the "slackers" that don't do a thing about bettering themselves and just go about sniveling about there being no opportunity for them to get ahead.   They have therefore earned the right to be at the bottom of the earning scale.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

When is enough, enough ???

Since the attack on 9/11 to the Trade Center Towers, we've woken up to the fact that islamic terrorism is here in the United States.   What we're not aware of is the great job that the FBI and local authorities have been doing all of these years in rounding up islamists and preventing their acts of terror on the American people.
With that said, there are still hundreds (and maybe thousands) that are not even known of at this time.   Some are in small groups and some are what we're calling "lone wolf" terrorists.
I remember a time (before political correctness) when we couldn't tell the "good guys" from the "bad guys" back in the 1940's so we rounded up ALL of the Japanese and placed them in "internment camps".   This proved extremely effective in preventing "lone wolf" attacks on American soil.   After we had defeated the Japanese, we released those that were "interred" back into our society.   The internal threat was over.
I realize that this was a drastic move and of course politically wrong, but it worked.
Since most of those "internment camps" still exist today, why not round up all of the muslims in this country and put them in these camps until ISIS and Al Quada are defeated. 
The most recent attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee (as well as the other "lone wolf" attacks over the past 15 years) should give us all a wake up call.
The wake up call is that if you read the koran, you get to see that any practicing muslim is obligated to convert you to islam or enslave you or kill you.   There are no good or bad ones.
There are only those that are too lazy to carry out acts of terrorism and those that either wait for the right opportunity or act on impulse.
America has tolerated these attacks to the point where we just assume this is a new way of life here.
Let me ask you this:   If you knew that your barn was going to burn down, wouldn't you get your horses out of there before it happened ?   Well, we only react after the fact that another terrorist attack has occurred.   Why not act before it happens ?   I don't anticipate that I might get a flat tire, yet I carry a spare in the trunk.
The only way to prevent any more Americans from being killed by muslims is to isolate them them from the rest of society.
Yes, this sounds terrible, yet we did it in the 1940's and it was effective.   Isn't it time that the "political correctness" crowd realize that they too can become victims of domestic terrorism ?   Do you have to wait until you or a loved one is killed by a muslim before you want to do something about it ?   The longer we do nothing, the stronger they become, the more of them there will be, and the more (and larger) attacks will happen.   I don't want to wait until another 9/11 happens to say "What should we have done to prevent this ?".   Do not think that it won't happen, it will.   It's just a matter of time.
Regardless of your political, religious, or societal  affiliation, you need to be aware that you could be the next victim until the United States has eradicated this threat.   Round them up now and keep them isolated until islam is defeated.   

Sunday, May 03, 2015

You may think that I'm some sort of bigot when you read this.   The problem is that I'm not; only confused about the disparity between the way blacks and whites think.
I'm just stating the facts...you make the decision.
With all of the riots and violence that's taking place over the past year, I thought that I'd "stand back" and take a look at the "big picture".

(1) Why does the media only report on police violence against blacks?   Why don't they report the times that a black officer shoots a white person ?   Why don't they report it when a black officer shoots a black person ?   Isn't it biased for the media to pick and choose which racial shootings to report on ?
In a country this large, you can't believe that only white officers shoot innocent blacks...
(2) Why do blacks burn and loot their own neighborhoods ?   If one is angry to break the law by burning and looting, doesn't a reasonable person think that they would do that in areas where those that angered them lived and worked ?   This makes no sense at all.
I don't see white people burning and looting their neighborhoods when they get "pissed off".
(3) Since the majority of crimes are committed by blacks, of course there will be a larger amount of police in the areas where blacks live.   Of course, that leads to more arrests and altercations in those areas.
(4) Most police officers are dedicated to their jobs and operate within the letter of the law.   True, that there are always those few that do not...and they are usually removed from their job.
(5) Who would want to be a police officer anyway ?   It has to be someone that hopes to make a difference in serving the community.   Police work is dangerous, frustrating at times and one only gets to see people at their worst.

Between this administration in Washington creating the largest divide between blacks and whites in 40 years and the lawyers helping put criminals back on the streets, police work has become increasingly more difficult.   Additionally, every officer constantly runs the risk of being sued or convicted of criminal behavior  (look at those six officers in Baltimore accused of murder).

Interestingly though, the white against black issue can't be argued in the Baltimore case as 50% of the police force is black and the city is run by blacks (three of the six officers accused of murder are black).   It'll be interesting to see how their trials go and how the black community responds to the outcome.
Were they indicted so quickly just to calm down the city or are they truly murderers ?   Use your common sense to answer that question.   Now with Baltimore joining the list of cities where blacks have rioted and the media giving it so much attention, the message is that if you want attention, burn and riot.   This is what little kids do when they have a tantrum.
Bottom line is not to rush to judgement and let the law (and courts) do their job.   Your getting in the way of that only causes more problems.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Earth Day...

In celebration of Earth Day, it has occurred to me that this is just another reason to have a holiday.
All of those people wanting to save a particular species don't get it.   Over 90% of the species that ever lived are extinct, and we didn't kill them.   Nature will continue to let some species die (at today's rate, it's 25 per day) and have new ones emerge.
I hear people talking about "saving the planet".   How absurd...We haven't learned to save ourselves.
There's nothing wrong with our plant; it's the people that are the problem. 
Earth has been around for more than 4 1/2 billion years.   We've only been here for about 200 thousand years, and industry has only been happening for about 200 years.
The planet has been through earthquakes,reversal of the magnetic poles,reoccurring ice ages, volcanoes, magnetic storms, worldwide floods, continental drift, solar flares, comets,asteroids, fires, etc. and continues to survive.
How egotistical of man to think that some plastic bags or aluminum cans are ruining the earth.   To think that we can interfere with the earth enough to have control over the nature of the planet.
Earth is a self correcting system that heals and cleans itself.   That's what it does.
The planet is here to stay...we will go away.
So, while you're still here, just appreciate and enjoy all of the things that nature has to offer you and stop worrying about "saving the planet".   When it has has enough of our nonsense, it will get rid of us too.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Well, it's started.........Candidates for their parties are declaring their intent to run for the Presidency of the United States of America.
From now on, we'll be hard pressed to find a day where one or more of them isn't in the news.   Some of us are actually interested in listening to what these candidates have to offer us and our country.   Of course there is a segment of voters that only vote for a candidate based on their race or sex,   They aren't concerned with any of the issues.   I personally think that this concept for electing someone is absurd.
Most of these candidates (only 1 Democrat and 19 others) are giving speeches about what they plan on doing if elected and what issues are most important to them in an effort to gain our support (and vote).
One candidate that stands out from the crowd, already has her parties nomination (unopposed) and is campaigning for our votes regardless of any issues is Hillary Rodham Clinton   Since she already has the vote of everyone that wants a female in the White House, she only needs to focus on the rest of  us for our votes.
She is presently touring the United States in an effort to remake her image as "just one of the people".
Her handlers have put together an almost "believable play" for us.   Hillary arrives at a fast food store or a small factory, etc. and speaks to the "local folks" as though she's been friends with them for years.   She empathizes with their middle class problems  and even laughs and feigns enjoying their company.
The truth is that every one of these "stops" are staged in advanced.   The "everyday people" that she engages with have all been selected in advance and given a script to follow.   There is never a mention of her agenda or what she'll do for America if elected.
With the huge amounts of money  pouring into her campaign fund from China, Russia and other countries, she can keep doing this until everyone has forgotten that she is a multimillionaire (even though she claims to be broke) that really looks down on the middle class.
We've already forgotten how terribly she treated the support staff at the White House with her tirades and temper tantrums during Bill's term there.   We've already forgotten how she tried to sneak HillaryCare on us.   And what about her real estate scam in Florida or her "lucky" windfall in the commodities market ?   Do you remember the Ron Brown incident ?   The mysterious deaths and disappearances of others involved with her ?
Now we've almost forgotten her participation in Benghazi, her private server and the destroying of important e-mails, etc.
Behind her forced smile is a vicious person that will lie, cheat and do whatever it takes to achieve power.
In the coming weeks and months, as we approach election time, I will make every attempt to expose the real Hillary Clinton in hopes that we don't get an "Obama 2.0 on steroids" in the White House.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

History repeats.............
Prior to the crucifixion of Jesus, Pontius Pilate (the judge at Jesus' trial), found him guilty of nothing.   The pressure to eliminate Jesus was so great that Pilate decided to "wash his hands of the whole affair" and left it up to the people to "vote" on who should be crucified and who was to be freed.   Roman soldiers were sent into the crowd and handed out pieces of silver to vote for Barabbas.   When the vote time came, the people (with their bought votes) shouted, "Give us Barabbas" and he was given back to the people, and you know the rest of the story.
Now let's "fast forward" to 2015.   An election was taking place in Israel and President Obama did not want Netanyahu elected.   So, with taxpayer money, Obama sent his people to Israel to pay the Arab population to vote for Herzog (the other candidate).  A record number of Arabs turned out to vote for Herzog.   Doesn't this sound like it came from the "playbook" of Pontius Pilate ?
The only difference was that Obama could not "wash his hands of this affair" and Netanyahu won in spite of Obama's sneaky efforts.
Relations between the United States and Israel have never been lower than since the anti-Jewish dictator (Obama) became President.   Israel is our only trusted ally in the Middle East.   Why not have the best relationship possible since the other nations in the Middle East are our fiercest enemies.
Is Obama so stupid that he doesn't realize that he is fostering more antisemitism  or does he not care that he is exposed ?

Sunday, March 08, 2015

What is going on ???

Have you noticed that many of the countries around the world are rapidly arming themselves to a point whether they not only out-gun the United States, but out-man us as well ?
As the United States is cutting back on their military strength, China is arming themselves at an unprecedented rate.   Why are they building the world's largest aircraft carriers ?   Why are they building so many bombers, missiles, tanks, etc. ?
Why is Saudi Arabia the leading purchaser of arms in the world (they announced spending $10 billion on arms this month) ?   Why has Russia stepped up its production of weapons ?   Why is North Korea doubling its arms and the size of its army ?
This is just to name a few...
Why are we cutting back while powerful nations around the world are moving forward in preparing for WW III ?   Do they know something that we don't know ?   Or are we being lead by a traitor to the American people ?
I really want to know.  
The White House purposely refuses to let out this information and the press refuses to look into it.
The reason always given (in hushed corners) is; if people knew, they would riot.   That's the same excuse given when holding back on telling the public of the dozens of ISIS plots going on in the United States at this time.   Occasionally,  we are told about some "isolated incident", but never the every day arrests of muslims that are here to destroy us.
Is America being "set up" to fail and become a third world country ?   That seems impossible.   But if others have their way (with the cooperation of our President and Congress), it could become a reality.
I don't want to sound like a "fear monger", but something sinister is going on in Washington that affects every one of us in a bad way.   Can someone please tell me what's going on .......?

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Say it the way it is...

What is the problem with Americans in saying it the way it is ?
There have always been and will always be subversive organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan and the various Nazi groups in the United States.   They have their agenda such as racial superiority and even Christian dominance.   However, they do not declare war, they do not claim territory, they do not plot the overthrow of government, etc.
We, as a people, condemn these groups and thwart their every move in achieving their goals.
We call them what they are..........anti-American, terrorists, criminals, etc.
However, when it comes to the islamic threat, we refer only to "the small minority" of "radical islamists".   Actually, there are hundreds of anti-American muslim groups in the United States that, every day are plotting terrorist attacks agaist Americans.
These are not isolated incidents by "lone wolf"  perpetrators.  These are members of the muslim population that are following their "religion"; that which dictates that muslims convert, enslave or kill all non-muslims.   They claim to be a "religion" of peace.   How absurd.   If every atrocity that they conduct against others on a daily basis around the world was reported by our media, you would think again about who and what muslims really are.
If you read the koran all the way through, you'll see that (1) there is no moral content, (2) it is a mandate for war, (3) it is about subservience and control of all of mankind.
You may be under the false misconception that there are good muslims and that there are bad muslims.   If that were true, could you tell them apart ?
Any muslim, following his or her "religion" is a threat to you, your family, friends and neighbors.

I am not preaching islamaphobia, I am calling it the way it really is.   
(1) islam is not a religion
(2) islam is a political ideolgy
(3) islam is a threat to all progress
(4) islam is a growing "cancer" for the human race
(5) islamic history shows us that they are not for "peace and love"

What do you really know about your muslim neighbor or fellow worker ?   Some have been in this country for 20 to 30 years as productive citizens and could have chemicals or biologicals hidden away, just waiting for "the right moment".   The FBI has found hundreds of these cases throughout the country since 9/11.   They are never reported for fear of scaring the public and starting anti-muslim riots.
Why are we not condemning islam ?   It is in your best interest to not have any dealings with them, watch them carefully, report anything suspicious about them, and speak out against them.   They grow each day because of your "political correctness".   They keep building mosgues, are carefully getting elected into government positions, they have a huge birthrate (average 6-12 children per family), they are being promoted to sensitive positions in industry, and they all have the same agenda...sharia law for everyone.
                                                     islam is your enemy

Sunday, February 01, 2015

Eliminating TERROR.............

Several people have asked me what would I do to stop all those terrorist organizations.   After thinking about it, and looking at the "big picture", I've come to the conclusion that there is no totally correct solution.
First, we must understand that islam is not a religion but a political ideology using religion as a mask for their goals.   The nazis used nationalism for their political ideology.
                       * BTW; all muslim countries supported Hitler in WWII.
Regardless of what means are taken, they will be politically incorrect and have many opponents.
When I look back at the last war that we won (WWII), I see that we had no concern for the collateral damage caused by our bombing Germany and Japan.   That type of massive attack by the United States is what brought an end to the war, nazism and the Japanese threat.
Although it might seem politically incorrect, mass bombings of any country (or area) where any of the many islamic terrorist organizations exist would certainly eliminate their leaders and most of their followers.
Since islam is not a real religion, it should be banned worldwide, so this behavior can not rise up again.
The main goal of islam is the have the entire world live under sharia law.   If you will take the time to read the koran (in its entirety), you'll become familiar with sharia law and, no matter what your politics, moral code, or values are, you certainly would reject having to live under the suppressive sharia law.
Again, I must remind you that any and all muslims are followers of islam.   Their duty is to convert, enslave and kill anyone that isn't muslim.  
Your neighbor, friend or co-worker that's muslim, might seem like "one of the good ones"; but they are just waiting for the opportunity to rise up against you in the name of islam and mohammud (purposely misspelled to be mo ham mud).
The muslim population is growing larger every day throughout the world (they have an average of 8 children per family).   They are making demands that would be denied to other groups (Just recently, they're demanding that food banks that give them FREE food, carry only their dietary requirements), they are starting to get jobs in sensitive areas (notice how many muslims are hired to clean out commercial aircraft before a flight), they are running for political offices, they are slowly and quietly immersing themselves in every area of the world in the anticipation of taking over by one means or another.
They MUST be eliminated by whatever means necessary and just as nazism is forbidden throughout the world, so too must islam become forbidden.
Of course my proposal will upset some of you; but if you have a better solution, let me know.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Pick & Choose
In the same week as the Charlie Hebdo massacre took place in Paris, killing 12 people by islamists; while 2000 people were slaughtered in Nigeria by the taliban group Boca Haram.
The world was outraged by the killing in France, but hardly any response to what happened in Nigeria.
Boca Haram was formed in 2009 by the taliban in order to take over the oil fields in Nigeria and bring sharia law to that country by any means, including mass killings.
Around the world there were mass demonstrations over the killings in France, but no one is speaking up about the Nigerian atrocity.
Apparently all killings are not equal.   We get to pick which ones we're upset about.   I don't understand this kind of thinking.   Aren't all lives precious ?   Is it allright for islamists to kill in one area and not another ?    How do we choose which ones to get excited about ?   Why don't we get told about the other bombings and killings done by islamists in other countries ?
Are we giving permission for islamists to continue their terror without accountability in some parts of the world and not others ?   Is there some agreement (or conspiracy) by the press to only report on a limited number of islamic attacks ?   If so, which ones ?
The bottom line is that islamic terrorists are everywhere (including the USA) and nothing is being done about it until they act first.   Then, and only then is something done, and only to those that med their deeds of terrorism.   All government agencies have "watch lists" and know who most of these terrorists are and where they are.   Why can't we eliminate the threat before their actions take place ?
At least in Europe (motivated by the attack on Charlie Hebdo) they're starting to round up those that are suspected terrorists.   In this country, we occasionally thwart a terrorist attack just before it comes to fruition.   We won't go after others on our "watch list" until it might be too late.
Does someone you know or a family member becomes a victim of this terrorism; or another 9/11 takes place before you insist that terrorists be rounded up in America ?   Or, do you have your "head in the sand" and think that it won't happen here (or to you) ?   You are not told about the planned attacks around this country that have been thwarted (so far) in order to not disturb you.   It's just a matter of time before some of these terrorists are successful with their plans; and then it'll be after the fact.
We don't know when or where they will kill more Americans, but the way we're trying to prevent it will eventually prove to be a failure.   No one is safe, from the largest city to the smallest town.   It can happen in your neighbor hood as early as tomorrow.
Speak up...insist on those even remotely suspected of this potential behavior be rounded up.
I know, you think that it's a violation of civil rights...just remember Roosevelt rounding up the Japanese during WWII.   Sure, a lot of law abiding citizens were put in those internment camps because we couldn't tell the "good ones" from those that meant us harm.
It's time to repeat this with the muslims in this country.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Freedom of Speech

It seems that we are having a problem with Freedom of Speech.
Just because one has a freedom to do something doesn't mean that they have to exercise that freedom.   It's just there for when we need it.
When a cartoon of Jesus is published, or a person makes a derogatory remark about Moses or Buddha, one make see it as offensive but not to the point of murder or mayhem. It's the "reasonable man principle", which says, "What would a REASONABLE person do about this ?"
Regarding the political ideology (not a religion) of Islam, if you've read the Koran, it shows that Islam is about war and subservience, not about peace and tolerance.   So, therefore, one can expect that Muslims will react for any reason in order to further their goal of world domination.
They, not we...have declared a religious war against mankind.
The press and social media have been politically correct in getting us to believe that it's only a radical few that are waging this war.   The truth is that all Muslims are dedicated to making Islam the only "religion" on earth.
This war will be ongoing for your entire lifetime unless something radically and politically incorrect is done about it.   An ideology that promotes the murder of all non-believers should not be allowed to be practiced in our country.   If they want to observe Islam in the Middle East, fine...that's their freedom.   But when it threatens me, and all of my fellow Americans, it's time to act.  
The press glorifies these people as "Lone Wolf" radicals.   That's ridiculous.   They are acting on either directives from ISIS, Al Quada, Hezbollah, etc. or from the propaganda on the internet or in magazines like Inspire.
I know, we have freedom of religion in America.   We also have freedom of speech.
Just as you are not allowed to yell "FIRE" in a theater (no longer a freedom of speech), Islam (not being a religion) should be made illegal.   Go into any mosque, on any given day and you will hear hate speech, anti-American ideas, and be amongst those that may be the next bomber or shooter to cause Americans, Christians, Jews, etc. to die.
It's time that you face the TRUTH...
                                                                       Neil Stone

Friday, January 09, 2015

Free College.............WOW !

President Obama announced today that he wants everyone to be able to go to college for free.
This would certainly be a wonderful opportunity for many students that can't afford to further their education.
When I went to College, there were no grants, no student assistance, no student loans, no family contributions, etc.   I worked and went to school full time.   I graduated in four years with a degree, no debt and no one to thank but me.
His plan is that one must maintain a C+ average and advance in their area of study and be at least a part time student.   The term of the freebie would be two years at a Community College.
This would be paid for by 75% of federal funds (your tax dollars) and the states (more of your tax dollars) would pay the other 25%.
I think that it's great that the President wants everyone to have the opportunity to go to college.
Now let's examine the details:
(1) A two year degree gets you very little in today's workplace.
(2) An average of C+ is anything but average at best.
(3) Going part time means that you won't even complete a two year course in less than four years; and who pays for those last two years ?
(4) Tuition is only 20-25% of the cost of going to college.
(5) Statistics show that less than 50% of students ever complete a Community College program.
(6) Why should the states have to pick up part of the tab ?
(7) Isn't our government far enough in debt (over $17 trillion) to be adding another expenditure to its budget ?

I've got an idea..............
Before Obama gives away any more of your money, I'd like to propose an experiment.
Since Obama is a multimillionaire, why doesn't he put up his own money and sponsor a few inner-city students from Chicago.   He could afford to pick up their costs at a local four year college where they can get a full degree (not an Associate, but a Bachelors Degree).
If these students finish the four years (in four years) and become productive members of society in their chosen field of study, then I'd say the program looks like it works and we could revisit Obama's original plan.
But let him put his money where his mouth is first, instead of putting up your money.

Haven't you got it yet ???

Now  that the muslims are exercising their agenda in France, we are again seeing what their koran demands of them.
Even though the Liberals and "politically correct" espouse that these are just a few "radical muslims", it appears that more and more muslims are "radical".
Somehow, the rules are different for them than the rest of us.   They can kill, maim, behead, commit suicide, find any excuse to "take revenge", etc.   The rest of us have to wait until they do an act of terrorism before we act.   And even when we do act, they are given rights, trials, humane treatment, legal representation, etc.
When are we going to WAKE UP ???   The koran demands that all muslims either convert, enslave or murder all non believers.   Therefore, a "good" muslim is practicing his (or her) religion when they do any terrorist act.
Any muslim not observing their "faith" is a bad muslim.   Any muslim observing their "faith" is a BAD muslim.   The bottom line is that THERE ARE NO GOOD MUSLIMS.
It's time for the world to eliminate this ideology that is misrepresented as a religion.   Islam is NOT a religion of love and tolerance.   Once you realize this, you will understand their propaganda.
If someone in my neighborhood is shooting at my neighbors, I must assume that I may be next.   A preemptive strike becomes mandatory before anyone else (including me) becomes another victim.
Anyone that thinks islam should not be eliminated is a fool that's putting your life at risk.
If we do nothing about this so called religion, it will only take a generation (or less) before you, your children and grandchildren are either dead or living by sharia law.   Is that what you want ?
If not, then act now to cut out this cancer called islam.
Remember...there are no good muslims..........................

Thursday, January 01, 2015

My New Year's Resolution !

For 2015, I've decided that I am not going to pay attention to anyone “sniveling” about why they “can't” do something.

I've reflected about the past year and in almost every instance that I came across, the person was not willing to do the work, put in the time or take responsibility for their part of the problem.
My company (Solutions Inc.) has found that almost every problem has a solution. In order to realize the outcome desired, choices have to be made.
I've never seen a situation that didn't have choices.
So, if you find that you've reached a barrier or “road block” in your life that's preventing you from something, look inward and see how you are responsible and what needs to be done. There is a thing that I call “victim mentality”, that's where one can show why their problem is someone else's fault and there is nothing they can do about it. They would rather complain, bitch, snivel and blame anyone or anything, and give up.
Don't be like that. In this new year (2015), I challenge you to overcome the problems in your life by taking responsibility for your participation in them; find solutions, make the better choices and be successful.
I wish all of you THE BEST OF THE BEST in 2015.

                                       Happy New Year

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Good move or Bad move ???

Unknown to most of us, on Thursday (12/18/2014), President Obama signed into law the "No Social Security for Nazis Act".   This finally eliminated Social Security payments to Nazi war criminals living overseas as well as in this country.   Obviously, most of us are happily in favor of this action on the part of President Obama.
However, if we look at the long term implications of this Act, we see how Emperor Obama again violates our Constitution.   Only Congress can make changes in our Social Security System.   There was no discussion in Congress, no vote in Congress, and therefore no action taken by Congress in this matter.
This opens the door to another "slippery slope" created by our residing Emperor (Obama).   How can a single qualified group be eliminated from receiving Social Security payments ?   Which group will be next ?   Will it be anyone that is not Christian ?   Will it be anyone that is a Republican ?   Will it be anyone that has an extremely high income ?   Or could it be something as silly as those that wear eyeglasses being denied Social Security payments ?
I've always been against Social Security payments going to anyone that does not live in the United States.   But that's an argument for another day.
The big issue here is how Emperor Obama is stepping on the main thing that makes this country great...our Constitution.   He has even said (in 2010) that he could get a lot more done but the Constitution was in his way.   How much more damage will he do before we're rid of him ???

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Is this a bigoted observation ???

Over the past 50 years I've watched riots take place all over the earth.   What I've been most intrigued about were the riots that took place in the United States.
The ones that I got to see on TV and read about in the newspapers were:
1964 Harlem, N.Y.
1965 Watts, L.A.
1967 Buffalo, N.Y.
1967 Newark, N.J.
1968 Chicago, ILL.
1973 Jamaica, N.Y.
1992 L.A., Cal.
2001 Seattle, Wa.
and now in 2014 Ferguson, Mo.
When looking at these riots collectively, I notice an obvious pattern.   All of these riots involved only one group of rioters, with only one mindset, and only one goal.
The group were Blacks.
The mindset was "blacks are victims".
The goal was to destroy their community.
Who, in their right mind goes about their daily life looking for any (regardless how small or ridiculous) excuse to verify that they're being victimized ?
Who, in their right mind decides the way to correct this is to burn down their homes and businesses ?
What am I missing ?   I don't understand this.
Another incredible part to this is the representation of the actual victim(s) as "pillars of the community" when for the most part, they were thugs and criminals.
How can one particular group of people decide that they've been victimized and must therefore destroy what's around them ?   Does this make sense to you ?   If it does, please explain it to me.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Our Immigration System isn't broken...

As testimony to how great the United States of America is (despite any complaints that you may have) the fact that millions of people want to be here.   This country was founded by foreigners (because the Native Americans didn't have an Immigration Policy), it was built by foreigners, it has grown to what it is by the groundwork done by foreigners.  
We have an Immigration Policy that works very well.   It isn't broken...it's not enforced !
As far as the Constitutionality of Obama's Executive Order; this will have to be decided by the Supreme Court.   Every president has issued executive orders regarding immigration since President Reagan, but only after the approval of Congress.  But not Emperor Obama.
When my Grandparents immigrated to this country (like many of yours) there were no welfare programs, no food stamps, etc.   They had to learn the language, they had to learn the customs and they learned that their survival and success was dependent on their ability to assimilate into the existing society.   They realized this and acted accordingly and we're the proof of that.
Today, the majority of immigrants coming to this country have no intention of become citizens and part of America.  They refuse to learn the language, apply for citizenship or follow our laws.
Yes, our Immigration Policy does need reform because this is a different era.   For the most part, it works very well.   There are a few "loopholes" in it that should be changed.   As an example:   Citizenship should only be automatic to children born of U.S. Citizens, not just because one is born here.   In addition, If one's parents are here illegally, then their children are here illegally, regardless of where they were born.
Work permits should be issued to anyone that can prove that they have a "sponsor" willing to employ them, and for the term of their employment (not to exceed three years).
We have to stop using politically correct terms such as "undocumented workers" and say it the way it is...Illegal Aliens, breaking our laws and therefore are criminals.
I agree that anyone serving in our Armed Forces for their full term of service and Honorably Discharged be moved up the list for citizenship.   All others must be dealt with as criminals.
We have laws in place to deal with Immigration; they just need to be enforced.   This administration is doing everything to not enforce them and even circumvent them.
I'm grateful for the contributions made by those that came before me (regardless of their country of origin).   However, we now live in the 21st century and conditions are different.
Support our laws or be prepared to be overrun by a horde of illegal aliens from all over the world.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Lie: It will increase the amount of income taxes the government takes in.
Truth: Since most immigrants have discovered that being foreign nationals "doing business" in the United States does not require them to pay income tax, Immigration Reform will do nothing to increase the governments income.

Lie:  It will help create jobs.
Truth:   Since the majority of jobs recently (because of ObamaCare) created are only part-time jobs (less than 30 hours/ week), it will create only jobs that are below minimum wage and Americans will be forced out of those jobs.

Lie:   It will keep families together.
Truth:   Families are not being disrupted by deportation unless they are engaged in illegal activities.
Most of the illegal immigrants are here without their families.

Lie:  It will create five million new voters.
Truth:    Getting a green card does not make one a citizen and does not give one the right to vote legally.

Lie: It will be good for our economy.
Truth:   Government statistics show that Federal and State freebies (food stamps, free medical, subsidized housing, free education, etc.) to illegals is over 20 times greater than what they contribute to the economy.

Lie:   They will eventually become citizens.
Truth:   There is no incentive for the majority of immigrants to ever become U.S. citizens.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Part of the problem...

The two biggest problems in the news are Ebola and ISIS.
Part of these problems are the misinformation, omissions and lies being told to everyone.

Ebola has hit Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, Senegal, Nigeria, Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Uganda, Sudan, Zaire, Spain and U.S.   Most of these countries aren't even reported to the public.
It certainly is humanitarian for the U.S. to want to help those African countries. However, haven't we lost enough lives (in vain) in Iraq and Afghanistan already.   And, now we're sending 3000 unskilled troops to the area, putting them in harms way.  Is it the plan for the U.S. to kill off more of our troops ?
We know that Obama wants to reduce our ability to defend ourselves.

It has now been discovered that Ebola can also be spread by dogs and cats as well as it is also airborne.  Symptoms can occur as late as 48 days after contact.

If this administration wants to control it here in the U.S., they would:
(1) Revoke ALL visas in West African Countries
(2) Accept NO flights from West African countries
(3) Isolate all those that might have come into contact with Ebola (regardless of how minor)
We have remote FEMA camps where they could be quarantined.
(4) Medical facilities with highly trained personnel be set up at these FEMA camps.
(5) All medical personnel be highly trained to deal it.
(6) Since Ebola isn't restricted to air travel only (buses, trains, etc.are modes of moving infected persons also), all travelers should be inspected.

Obama was advised by the CDC months ago that Ebola could (and probably would) come to this country.   He blew them off saying, "No way."
The CDC is lieing to us, the White House is lieing to us, the press is lieing to us....this thing is bigger than we are told.

To make matters worse, internet chatter has been picked up that ISIS plans to sneak infected "martyrs" into the U.S.   Recently, 24 ISIS fighters were caught sneaking across the Canadian border at Buffalo.   Did the press report that ? NO....because the White House has a "gag order" on what the public can know.

We must wipe clean the President and Congress in the coming elections.   We are living in a dictatorship under the guise of a democracy.   Obama, Hillary and the like, are the biggest threat to our continuing to be a free country..............