Sunday, November 23, 2014

Our Immigration System isn't broken...

As testimony to how great the United States of America is (despite any complaints that you may have) the fact that millions of people want to be here.   This country was founded by foreigners (because the Native Americans didn't have an Immigration Policy), it was built by foreigners, it has grown to what it is by the groundwork done by foreigners.  
We have an Immigration Policy that works very well.   It isn't's not enforced !
As far as the Constitutionality of Obama's Executive Order; this will have to be decided by the Supreme Court.   Every president has issued executive orders regarding immigration since President Reagan, but only after the approval of Congress.  But not Emperor Obama.
When my Grandparents immigrated to this country (like many of yours) there were no welfare programs, no food stamps, etc.   They had to learn the language, they had to learn the customs and they learned that their survival and success was dependent on their ability to assimilate into the existing society.   They realized this and acted accordingly and we're the proof of that.
Today, the majority of immigrants coming to this country have no intention of become citizens and part of America.  They refuse to learn the language, apply for citizenship or follow our laws.
Yes, our Immigration Policy does need reform because this is a different era.   For the most part, it works very well.   There are a few "loopholes" in it that should be changed.   As an example:   Citizenship should only be automatic to children born of U.S. Citizens, not just because one is born here.   In addition, If one's parents are here illegally, then their children are here illegally, regardless of where they were born.
Work permits should be issued to anyone that can prove that they have a "sponsor" willing to employ them, and for the term of their employment (not to exceed three years).
We have to stop using politically correct terms such as "undocumented workers" and say it the way it is...Illegal Aliens, breaking our laws and therefore are criminals.
I agree that anyone serving in our Armed Forces for their full term of service and Honorably Discharged be moved up the list for citizenship.   All others must be dealt with as criminals.
We have laws in place to deal with Immigration; they just need to be enforced.   This administration is doing everything to not enforce them and even circumvent them.
I'm grateful for the contributions made by those that came before me (regardless of their country of origin).   However, we now live in the 21st century and conditions are different.
Support our laws or be prepared to be overrun by a horde of illegal aliens from all over the world.


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