Sunday, November 16, 2014


Lie: It will increase the amount of income taxes the government takes in.
Truth: Since most immigrants have discovered that being foreign nationals "doing business" in the United States does not require them to pay income tax, Immigration Reform will do nothing to increase the governments income.

Lie:  It will help create jobs.
Truth:   Since the majority of jobs recently (because of ObamaCare) created are only part-time jobs (less than 30 hours/ week), it will create only jobs that are below minimum wage and Americans will be forced out of those jobs.

Lie:   It will keep families together.
Truth:   Families are not being disrupted by deportation unless they are engaged in illegal activities.
Most of the illegal immigrants are here without their families.

Lie:  It will create five million new voters.
Truth:    Getting a green card does not make one a citizen and does not give one the right to vote legally.

Lie: It will be good for our economy.
Truth:   Government statistics show that Federal and State freebies (food stamps, free medical, subsidized housing, free education, etc.) to illegals is over 20 times greater than what they contribute to the economy.

Lie:   They will eventually become citizens.
Truth:   There is no incentive for the majority of immigrants to ever become U.S. citizens.


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