Thursday, October 16, 2014

Part of the problem...

The two biggest problems in the news are Ebola and ISIS.
Part of these problems are the misinformation, omissions and lies being told to everyone.

Ebola has hit Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, Senegal, Nigeria, Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Uganda, Sudan, Zaire, Spain and U.S.   Most of these countries aren't even reported to the public.
It certainly is humanitarian for the U.S. to want to help those African countries. However, haven't we lost enough lives (in vain) in Iraq and Afghanistan already.   And, now we're sending 3000 unskilled troops to the area, putting them in harms way.  Is it the plan for the U.S. to kill off more of our troops ?
We know that Obama wants to reduce our ability to defend ourselves.

It has now been discovered that Ebola can also be spread by dogs and cats as well as it is also airborne.  Symptoms can occur as late as 48 days after contact.

If this administration wants to control it here in the U.S., they would:
(1) Revoke ALL visas in West African Countries
(2) Accept NO flights from West African countries
(3) Isolate all those that might have come into contact with Ebola (regardless of how minor)
We have remote FEMA camps where they could be quarantined.
(4) Medical facilities with highly trained personnel be set up at these FEMA camps.
(5) All medical personnel be highly trained to deal it.
(6) Since Ebola isn't restricted to air travel only (buses, trains, etc.are modes of moving infected persons also), all travelers should be inspected.

Obama was advised by the CDC months ago that Ebola could (and probably would) come to this country.   He blew them off saying, "No way."
The CDC is lieing to us, the White House is lieing to us, the press is lieing to us....this thing is bigger than we are told.

To make matters worse, internet chatter has been picked up that ISIS plans to sneak infected "martyrs" into the U.S.   Recently, 24 ISIS fighters were caught sneaking across the Canadian border at Buffalo.   Did the press report that ? NO....because the White House has a "gag order" on what the public can know.

We must wipe clean the President and Congress in the coming elections.   We are living in a dictatorship under the guise of a democracy.   Obama, Hillary and the like, are the biggest threat to our continuing to be a free country..............


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