Friday, January 09, 2015

Haven't you got it yet ???

Now  that the muslims are exercising their agenda in France, we are again seeing what their koran demands of them.
Even though the Liberals and "politically correct" espouse that these are just a few "radical muslims", it appears that more and more muslims are "radical".
Somehow, the rules are different for them than the rest of us.   They can kill, maim, behead, commit suicide, find any excuse to "take revenge", etc.   The rest of us have to wait until they do an act of terrorism before we act.   And even when we do act, they are given rights, trials, humane treatment, legal representation, etc.
When are we going to WAKE UP ???   The koran demands that all muslims either convert, enslave or murder all non believers.   Therefore, a "good" muslim is practicing his (or her) religion when they do any terrorist act.
Any muslim not observing their "faith" is a bad muslim.   Any muslim observing their "faith" is a BAD muslim.   The bottom line is that THERE ARE NO GOOD MUSLIMS.
It's time for the world to eliminate this ideology that is misrepresented as a religion.   Islam is NOT a religion of love and tolerance.   Once you realize this, you will understand their propaganda.
If someone in my neighborhood is shooting at my neighbors, I must assume that I may be next.   A preemptive strike becomes mandatory before anyone else (including me) becomes another victim.
Anyone that thinks islam should not be eliminated is a fool that's putting your life at risk.
If we do nothing about this so called religion, it will only take a generation (or less) before you, your children and grandchildren are either dead or living by sharia law.   Is that what you want ?
If not, then act now to cut out this cancer called islam.
Remember...there are no good muslims..........................


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