Thursday, January 01, 2015

My New Year's Resolution !

For 2015, I've decided that I am not going to pay attention to anyone “sniveling” about why they “can't” do something.

I've reflected about the past year and in almost every instance that I came across, the person was not willing to do the work, put in the time or take responsibility for their part of the problem.
My company (Solutions Inc.) has found that almost every problem has a solution. In order to realize the outcome desired, choices have to be made.
I've never seen a situation that didn't have choices.
So, if you find that you've reached a barrier or “road block” in your life that's preventing you from something, look inward and see how you are responsible and what needs to be done. There is a thing that I call “victim mentality”, that's where one can show why their problem is someone else's fault and there is nothing they can do about it. They would rather complain, bitch, snivel and blame anyone or anything, and give up.
Don't be like that. In this new year (2015), I challenge you to overcome the problems in your life by taking responsibility for your participation in them; find solutions, make the better choices and be successful.
I wish all of you THE BEST OF THE BEST in 2015.

                                       Happy New Year


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