Friday, January 09, 2015

Free College.............WOW !

President Obama announced today that he wants everyone to be able to go to college for free.
This would certainly be a wonderful opportunity for many students that can't afford to further their education.
When I went to College, there were no grants, no student assistance, no student loans, no family contributions, etc.   I worked and went to school full time.   I graduated in four years with a degree, no debt and no one to thank but me.
His plan is that one must maintain a C+ average and advance in their area of study and be at least a part time student.   The term of the freebie would be two years at a Community College.
This would be paid for by 75% of federal funds (your tax dollars) and the states (more of your tax dollars) would pay the other 25%.
I think that it's great that the President wants everyone to have the opportunity to go to college.
Now let's examine the details:
(1) A two year degree gets you very little in today's workplace.
(2) An average of C+ is anything but average at best.
(3) Going part time means that you won't even complete a two year course in less than four years; and who pays for those last two years ?
(4) Tuition is only 20-25% of the cost of going to college.
(5) Statistics show that less than 50% of students ever complete a Community College program.
(6) Why should the states have to pick up part of the tab ?
(7) Isn't our government far enough in debt (over $17 trillion) to be adding another expenditure to its budget ?

I've got an idea..............
Before Obama gives away any more of your money, I'd like to propose an experiment.
Since Obama is a multimillionaire, why doesn't he put up his own money and sponsor a few inner-city students from Chicago.   He could afford to pick up their costs at a local four year college where they can get a full degree (not an Associate, but a Bachelors Degree).
If these students finish the four years (in four years) and become productive members of society in their chosen field of study, then I'd say the program looks like it works and we could revisit Obama's original plan.
But let him put his money where his mouth is first, instead of putting up your money.


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