Thursday, March 19, 2015

History repeats.............
Prior to the crucifixion of Jesus, Pontius Pilate (the judge at Jesus' trial), found him guilty of nothing.   The pressure to eliminate Jesus was so great that Pilate decided to "wash his hands of the whole affair" and left it up to the people to "vote" on who should be crucified and who was to be freed.   Roman soldiers were sent into the crowd and handed out pieces of silver to vote for Barabbas.   When the vote time came, the people (with their bought votes) shouted, "Give us Barabbas" and he was given back to the people, and you know the rest of the story.
Now let's "fast forward" to 2015.   An election was taking place in Israel and President Obama did not want Netanyahu elected.   So, with taxpayer money, Obama sent his people to Israel to pay the Arab population to vote for Herzog (the other candidate).  A record number of Arabs turned out to vote for Herzog.   Doesn't this sound like it came from the "playbook" of Pontius Pilate ?
The only difference was that Obama could not "wash his hands of this affair" and Netanyahu won in spite of Obama's sneaky efforts.
Relations between the United States and Israel have never been lower than since the anti-Jewish dictator (Obama) became President.   Israel is our only trusted ally in the Middle East.   Why not have the best relationship possible since the other nations in the Middle East are our fiercest enemies.
Is Obama so stupid that he doesn't realize that he is fostering more antisemitism  or does he not care that he is exposed ?


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