Sunday, January 18, 2015

Pick & Choose
In the same week as the Charlie Hebdo massacre took place in Paris, killing 12 people by islamists; while 2000 people were slaughtered in Nigeria by the taliban group Boca Haram.
The world was outraged by the killing in France, but hardly any response to what happened in Nigeria.
Boca Haram was formed in 2009 by the taliban in order to take over the oil fields in Nigeria and bring sharia law to that country by any means, including mass killings.
Around the world there were mass demonstrations over the killings in France, but no one is speaking up about the Nigerian atrocity.
Apparently all killings are not equal.   We get to pick which ones we're upset about.   I don't understand this kind of thinking.   Aren't all lives precious ?   Is it allright for islamists to kill in one area and not another ?    How do we choose which ones to get excited about ?   Why don't we get told about the other bombings and killings done by islamists in other countries ?
Are we giving permission for islamists to continue their terror without accountability in some parts of the world and not others ?   Is there some agreement (or conspiracy) by the press to only report on a limited number of islamic attacks ?   If so, which ones ?
The bottom line is that islamic terrorists are everywhere (including the USA) and nothing is being done about it until they act first.   Then, and only then is something done, and only to those that med their deeds of terrorism.   All government agencies have "watch lists" and know who most of these terrorists are and where they are.   Why can't we eliminate the threat before their actions take place ?
At least in Europe (motivated by the attack on Charlie Hebdo) they're starting to round up those that are suspected terrorists.   In this country, we occasionally thwart a terrorist attack just before it comes to fruition.   We won't go after others on our "watch list" until it might be too late.
Does someone you know or a family member becomes a victim of this terrorism; or another 9/11 takes place before you insist that terrorists be rounded up in America ?   Or, do you have your "head in the sand" and think that it won't happen here (or to you) ?   You are not told about the planned attacks around this country that have been thwarted (so far) in order to not disturb you.   It's just a matter of time before some of these terrorists are successful with their plans; and then it'll be after the fact.
We don't know when or where they will kill more Americans, but the way we're trying to prevent it will eventually prove to be a failure.   No one is safe, from the largest city to the smallest town.   It can happen in your neighbor hood as early as tomorrow.
Speak up...insist on those even remotely suspected of this potential behavior be rounded up.
I know, you think that it's a violation of civil rights...just remember Roosevelt rounding up the Japanese during WWII.   Sure, a lot of law abiding citizens were put in those internment camps because we couldn't tell the "good ones" from those that meant us harm.
It's time to repeat this with the muslims in this country.


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