Freedom of Speech
It seems that we are having a problem with Freedom of Speech.
Just because one has a freedom to do something doesn't mean that they have to exercise that freedom. It's just there for when we need it.
When a cartoon of Jesus is published, or a person makes a derogatory remark about Moses or Buddha, one make see it as offensive but not to the point of murder or mayhem. It's the "reasonable man principle", which says, "What would a REASONABLE person do about this ?"
Regarding the political ideology (not a religion) of Islam, if you've read the Koran, it shows that Islam is about war and subservience, not about peace and tolerance. So, therefore, one can expect that Muslims will react for any reason in order to further their goal of world domination.
They, not we...have declared a religious war against mankind.
The press and social media have been politically correct in getting us to believe that it's only a radical few that are waging this war. The truth is that all Muslims are dedicated to making Islam the only "religion" on earth.
This war will be ongoing for your entire lifetime unless something radically and politically incorrect is done about it. An ideology that promotes the murder of all non-believers should not be allowed to be practiced in our country. If they want to observe Islam in the Middle East, fine...that's their freedom. But when it threatens me, and all of my fellow Americans, it's time to act.
The press glorifies these people as "Lone Wolf" radicals. That's ridiculous. They are acting on either directives from ISIS, Al Quada, Hezbollah, etc. or from the propaganda on the internet or in magazines like Inspire.
I know, we have freedom of religion in America. We also have freedom of speech.
Just as you are not allowed to yell "FIRE" in a theater (no longer a freedom of speech), Islam (not being a religion) should be made illegal. Go into any mosque, on any given day and you will hear hate speech, anti-American ideas, and be amongst those that may be the next bomber or shooter to cause Americans, Christians, Jews, etc. to die.
It's time that you face the TRUTH...
Neil Stone
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