Sunday, March 08, 2015

What is going on ???

Have you noticed that many of the countries around the world are rapidly arming themselves to a point whether they not only out-gun the United States, but out-man us as well ?
As the United States is cutting back on their military strength, China is arming themselves at an unprecedented rate.   Why are they building the world's largest aircraft carriers ?   Why are they building so many bombers, missiles, tanks, etc. ?
Why is Saudi Arabia the leading purchaser of arms in the world (they announced spending $10 billion on arms this month) ?   Why has Russia stepped up its production of weapons ?   Why is North Korea doubling its arms and the size of its army ?
This is just to name a few...
Why are we cutting back while powerful nations around the world are moving forward in preparing for WW III ?   Do they know something that we don't know ?   Or are we being lead by a traitor to the American people ?
I really want to know.  
The White House purposely refuses to let out this information and the press refuses to look into it.
The reason always given (in hushed corners) is; if people knew, they would riot.   That's the same excuse given when holding back on telling the public of the dozens of ISIS plots going on in the United States at this time.   Occasionally,  we are told about some "isolated incident", but never the every day arrests of muslims that are here to destroy us.
Is America being "set up" to fail and become a third world country ?   That seems impossible.   But if others have their way (with the cooperation of our President and Congress), it could become a reality.
I don't want to sound like a "fear monger", but something sinister is going on in Washington that affects every one of us in a bad way.   Can someone please tell me what's going on .......?


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