Sunday, May 03, 2015

You may think that I'm some sort of bigot when you read this.   The problem is that I'm not; only confused about the disparity between the way blacks and whites think.
I'm just stating the make the decision.
With all of the riots and violence that's taking place over the past year, I thought that I'd "stand back" and take a look at the "big picture".

(1) Why does the media only report on police violence against blacks?   Why don't they report the times that a black officer shoots a white person ?   Why don't they report it when a black officer shoots a black person ?   Isn't it biased for the media to pick and choose which racial shootings to report on ?
In a country this large, you can't believe that only white officers shoot innocent blacks...
(2) Why do blacks burn and loot their own neighborhoods ?   If one is angry to break the law by burning and looting, doesn't a reasonable person think that they would do that in areas where those that angered them lived and worked ?   This makes no sense at all.
I don't see white people burning and looting their neighborhoods when they get "pissed off".
(3) Since the majority of crimes are committed by blacks, of course there will be a larger amount of police in the areas where blacks live.   Of course, that leads to more arrests and altercations in those areas.
(4) Most police officers are dedicated to their jobs and operate within the letter of the law.   True, that there are always those few that do not...and they are usually removed from their job.
(5) Who would want to be a police officer anyway ?   It has to be someone that hopes to make a difference in serving the community.   Police work is dangerous, frustrating at times and one only gets to see people at their worst.

Between this administration in Washington creating the largest divide between blacks and whites in 40 years and the lawyers helping put criminals back on the streets, police work has become increasingly more difficult.   Additionally, every officer constantly runs the risk of being sued or convicted of criminal behavior  (look at those six officers in Baltimore accused of murder).

Interestingly though, the white against black issue can't be argued in the Baltimore case as 50% of the police force is black and the city is run by blacks (three of the six officers accused of murder are black).   It'll be interesting to see how their trials go and how the black community responds to the outcome.
Were they indicted so quickly just to calm down the city or are they truly murderers ?   Use your common sense to answer that question.   Now with Baltimore joining the list of cities where blacks have rioted and the media giving it so much attention, the message is that if you want attention, burn and riot.   This is what little kids do when they have a tantrum.
Bottom line is not to rush to judgement and let the law (and courts) do their job.   Your getting in the way of that only causes more problems.


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