Sunday, April 19, 2015

Well, it's started.........Candidates for their parties are declaring their intent to run for the Presidency of the United States of America.
From now on, we'll be hard pressed to find a day where one or more of them isn't in the news.   Some of us are actually interested in listening to what these candidates have to offer us and our country.   Of course there is a segment of voters that only vote for a candidate based on their race or sex,   They aren't concerned with any of the issues.   I personally think that this concept for electing someone is absurd.
Most of these candidates (only 1 Democrat and 19 others) are giving speeches about what they plan on doing if elected and what issues are most important to them in an effort to gain our support (and vote).
One candidate that stands out from the crowd, already has her parties nomination (unopposed) and is campaigning for our votes regardless of any issues is Hillary Rodham Clinton   Since she already has the vote of everyone that wants a female in the White House, she only needs to focus on the rest of  us for our votes.
She is presently touring the United States in an effort to remake her image as "just one of the people".
Her handlers have put together an almost "believable play" for us.   Hillary arrives at a fast food store or a small factory, etc. and speaks to the "local folks" as though she's been friends with them for years.   She empathizes with their middle class problems  and even laughs and feigns enjoying their company.
The truth is that every one of these "stops" are staged in advanced.   The "everyday people" that she engages with have all been selected in advance and given a script to follow.   There is never a mention of her agenda or what she'll do for America if elected.
With the huge amounts of money  pouring into her campaign fund from China, Russia and other countries, she can keep doing this until everyone has forgotten that she is a multimillionaire (even though she claims to be broke) that really looks down on the middle class.
We've already forgotten how terribly she treated the support staff at the White House with her tirades and temper tantrums during Bill's term there.   We've already forgotten how she tried to sneak HillaryCare on us.   And what about her real estate scam in Florida or her "lucky" windfall in the commodities market ?   Do you remember the Ron Brown incident ?   The mysterious deaths and disappearances of others involved with her ?
Now we've almost forgotten her participation in Benghazi, her private server and the destroying of important e-mails, etc.
Behind her forced smile is a vicious person that will lie, cheat and do whatever it takes to achieve power.
In the coming weeks and months, as we approach election time, I will make every attempt to expose the real Hillary Clinton in hopes that we don't get an "Obama 2.0 on steroids" in the White House.


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