Monday, December 07, 2015

Does History Repeat Itself ?

In 1941, when the United States was attacked by the Japanese, our President immediately did two things.   First, he declared WAR (having Congress vote for it), then he had all of the Japanese living in this country, rounded up and put in Internment Camps.
By taking the Japanese (good or bad) out of society, we had no militant (or radical) Japanese doing any kind of attacks on our civilians.
So, why isn't our President doing the same thing with the muslim population ?   Why hasn't he asked Congress (oh, I forgot...he disregards Congress) for a Declaration of War (France has done it) against ISIS ?   Why is he reluctant to round up this islamic evil and put them in Internment Camps ?
It's obviously a good idea.   However, in this era of political correctness, who will step up first and say it the way it is ?   All muslims are dedicated to the overthrow of Democracy, our Constitution, our freedom, and most of all, all the religions that are practiced here.
These most recent attacks by muslims aren't going to be the last of them.   If our leaders in Washington are doing nothing to stop this, then it is left in the hands of the rest of us.   All muslims must either be put out of our country or interred.   As far as islam is concerned, due to the fact that it is not a religion, it must be made illegal to observe it.   All mosques must be torn down and any schools teaching sharia law must be shut down.   We must rid our country of this cancer called islam before it's too late.
I challenge anyone in Congress to do anything about this threat to the American way of life.
Why has our President condoned islam to the point where we are all asked yo "be vigilant" ?
Why do I as a free American have to constantly be looking over my shoulder to see if it's the next attack happening ?
Get those muslims and their sympathizers out of the United States.   Don't wait, start today as each day that goes by, there are more of them and the threat grows bigger.


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