Cecil the Lion
Everyone is outraged at Walter Palmer (dentist) for killing Cecil the lion in Zimbabwe.
He paid $55,000 for permits and guides to get Cecil. He seriously wounded Cecil with an arrow and it took 40 hours for this poor creature to die. Palmer then skinned and beheaded Cecil.
Cecil was a tourist attraction and a source of income from tourists wanting to take pictures of him.
Another issue is that with Cecil gone, other male lions will take over his pride and kill his cub offspring.
A little background of Walter Palmer's killing record:
In 2006 he was convicted of poaching and paid a $3,000 fine.
He has killed 43 animals including a polar bear, mountain lion,elephant,leopard, rhino,elk, big horn sheep, cape buffalo, black bear, etc.
What is the matter with Palmer that he gets joy from killing animals ? This is an advanced example of when children torture and kill dogs and cats.
If anyone enjoys killing then they should go over to the Middle East and kill members of ISIS. There are enough of them to satisfy anyone's appetite for killing and would help rid the world of a serious threat.
As far as many are concerned, Palmer should be skinned and his head cut off and mounted as a symbol of the meaningless killing of beautiful wild animals for sport.
Shame on you, Walter Palmer. You've just became the most hated person in America.
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