Wednesday, August 31, 2005


In the wake of hurricane Katrina, several gulf coast areas have been destroyed leaving thousands homeless and their only possessions are what they could take with them.
However, while everyone was going for "the high ground"; the instant that the hurricane was downgraded, the looting started. Of course, most of the looters were minorities, as is expected. What I'm most shocked at is that even the New Orleans police became looters. There are pictures of them cleaning out a Target store of guns, DVD players, flat screen TVs, etc.
Now when the police that are supposed to protect and serve the community become the "bad guys", what can one do ?
Fortunately for them, this is taking place in Louisiana and Mississippi. If they tried that in neighboring states such as Florida or Texas, there's a "shoot to kill" law in those states that let's one protect property with lethal force.
A few years ago, a twister came through some towns in Texas and no one dared loot as they all knew that they'd be shot and killed. I'm not advocating that we all arm ourselves and blow away anyone that we suspect of touching our stuff; but just the idea of it can be a great deterrent. I'm caught between the notion that no property is worth a human life and that of protecting my possessions any way I can. I guess that when I'm faced with that situation, I'll make a decision and act accordingly. Anyone want to gamble on my choice ?
I can understand people stealing food and medicines during such an emergency, but stealing guns and consumer electronics is outright LOOTING and deserves quick and severe penalties.
If you're one of the looters reading this, c'mon over to my house (heh, heh, heh). In my neighborhood, we are all looking out for one another and should anyone try to steal from or harm any of us, ALL of the neighbors will do what is necessary. Can you guess what that would be ?
LOOTING IS A FELONY. You have no right to take another persons property without due process of law. Anyone caught looting, usually ends up going to prison for quite a while. Looting is a crime that's right up there with arson and bank robbery. That's why some states have a "shoot to kill" law. Once a looter enters your property he (or she) is in the commission of a crime including them running away with your things. SHOOT TO KILL. It's alright and you will be understood and forgiven for your action. Even in states like California where you cannot protect property with lethal force, shoot to kill, the jury will acquit you in the blink of an eye and you will be a hero.
Or, you can "wimp out" and let anyone take anything of yours that they want. So, whatcha gonna do ?

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

Now that we know of some of the losses in property and lives because of hurricane Katrina, it's time to give our support and get our government to help those people.
Have you noticed that whenever a disaster occurs anywhere in the world, the United States is the first (and sometimes the only) one to immediately give aid in the way of money, food, medicine, machinery and materials, personnel, etc. Now that we have suffered a great disaster, where are those other nations ? Not one country has even called to express their concern. Not one country has even asked how they can help.
This is like your neighbors house burning down and you pay to have it rebuilt; but when your house burns down, your neighbor goes on a fishing trip.
We are the SUCKERs of the world.
Let those other countries take care of themselves...those bastards won't help us.
Every year, tens of billions go out worldwide in aid to other countries (whether they need it or not) in disaster assistance and foreign aid. The majority of these countries are our enemies. A perfect example is all the food and money that we give to North Korea each year. They use that money and food to build their army and weapon systems while their population goes hungry. I can give you countless examples but I would run out of space.
Let's do something about this TODAY. Everyone of you reading this, sit down right now and either call or write to your representatives telling them to stop all foreign aid immediately. If the money we give away to other nations was used here at home to help the homeless, the needy, the ill, the unemployed, etc. we could solve these problems very quickly and still have enough left over to pay down our national debt.
It's your hard earned tax dollars leaving the country and going into the pockets of dictators and armies whose sole purpose is the destruction of the United States. Just check out how much of your money will be used to rebuild Iraq, even though they don't need our money. They have a huge amount of oil to sell to the world and rebuild themselves. No nation has ever paid us back for any rebuilding or assistance that we've given them. The only thing that we get in return is the condemnation of those countries.
We are the SUCKERs of the world.
One way to stop this nonsense is to vote out any congressman or senator that approves ANY foreign aid for any reason. Collectively, our voice will be heard; but you must expess your anger to Washington.
If you don't do anything then you are not entitled to anything.
Do something about this TODAY !

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Arab practice...

I'm totally amazed at an organization existing called "The Nation of Islam". Although it is mostly made up of thugs in suits and bowties, it is a black islamic organization. How this can be is beyond normal thinking. Every islamic person in the world wants blacks eliminated from the population.
A perfect example of this is what's been taking place in Sudan. Even though the word Sudan is arabic for "land of the blacks", the government supported Janjaweed (all islamic army practicing genocide) have slaughtered over 200,000 blacks and destroyed almost every village in the western province of Darfur (about the size of Texas). The government calls this "purification" or "ethnic cleansing", killing over 7,000 blacks each month. The bottom line is that arabs are using mass extermination (and rape) to practice genocide on black Africans.
Most of the world is letting this happen because interference might seem politically incorrect (and after all, these are people of color). However, this is just a practice drill for eliminating all non-arabs in the world. The overall plan is to heavily populate a country, get a foothold into its government and then eliminate all non-arabs. Have you noticed the influx of muslims to the United States over the past 20 years ?
Can this happen here ? You bet it long as liberals are fighting for the rights of these "animals" whose sole purpose is the destruction of our country and the "ethnic cleansing" of America.
They have this book called the koran that specifically says that it is every muslim's duty to kill all non believers of islam. Read it, you'll see !
The only arab or muslim that you can trust is a dead one. It is coming to the day where you will have to make the decision of either killing them or allowing yourself to be killed by them. When do we do something about this "creeping cancer" in our society and on this earth ? Knowing how the world operates these days with its United Nations and Secutity Councils, nothing will be done until it's too late...and then IT'S TOO LATE !!!
If genocide must be practiced, let it be the extinction of all arabs and muslims. Their numbers are growing at a very fast rate and with their oil money (who do you think makes the "lions share" from every barrel of oil), they get to finance our destruction. In other words, we contribute at the gas pump so they can build mosques to educate their young to destroy us...and that money buys them the weapons and technology to destroy us.
Something must be done before we see more Sudans because if we don't, Europe and America will become victims to this arab practice.
Some of you reading this are saying, "wow, this writer is a bigot". No, I'm not a bigot, I believe in letting everyone live as they wish...until it comes to their not wanting me to live at all. The arab and muslim threat is obvious to me. Just stand back and look at the big picture. This has been in the planning for several generations and is finally starting into its actualization. This threat must be stopped before it gets any bigger.
Every one of us can do something now. Write to your representatives, telling them of your concerns and urging them to do something now. Do not use any services, products or shop at stores that are arab owned or supported. Harass every arab and muslim you see. Don't let your children play or go to school with them. Make this the most uncomfortable place in the world for them. And, should any of them commit a crime against you, shoot them on the spot.
I never had anything against arabs or muslims until several years ago when I traveled to the middle east and saw and heard their evil plans. Then, after hearing that the Oklahoma City bombing was due to muslims teaching Timothy McVey how to make a truck bomb, the first (and failed attempt) at bringing down the Trade Center, the second attempt at actually bringing down the Trade Center, it became obvious that they had started what they said that they would do when I visited many years ago.
In the middle east, every child is taught to NEVER tell the truth unless there is something in it for them. Would you buy a used car from an arab ? I sure wouldn't.
We MUST start to get them to leave America ASAP. As long as one of them is still on our soil, we are in danger.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


When I'm profiled, I don't see myself as a "victim of profiling". I'm glad that someone is watching out for the bad guys. Since arabs and other minorities are a huge threat to our property and lives, I welcome profiling. Checking your ID at a bar is profiling and no one seems to mind. When your kids can't get on a ride at Disneyland because their not "this high", you don't complain...Isn't that profiling ?
You only bitch about it when you're singled out. On the surface, profiling, for any reason seems discriminatory; however, you profile all of the time without any guilt. You look at others and profile them as to whether you'll go out with them, let them in your house, hire them, befriend them, etc.
When you "politically correct" bleeding heart liberals finally wake up and see that you have been the victim of non-profiling, it's too late.
I wan't every arab looking person detained, every gang banger looking person hassled, every illegal alien arrested for breaking the law, every redneck searched for drugs, etc. By this happening, our crime rate would rapidly decline and it would be a safer place to live.
There is nothing wrong with having to "show your papers". I must produce various documents when stopped; my drivers license, my weapons permit, my motorcycle license, my social security card, my club membership card, etc.
You are already part of profiling. Either you're doing it or it's being done to you.
Yes it's an inconvenience for everyone but it is a necessary act in order to control crime.
Everyone of you sniveling liberals will come crying after you're a victim of someone that should have been stopped because of what they looked like, and they weren't.
You know what most of the bad guys look like. Just drive down the street and you'll start profiling. You are a hypocrite or one of the bad guys if you're against profiling. We no longer live in a world where your community was just a few hundred people and you could take someone's word or consummate a deal with a handshake. Some of those that are being profiled are the reason and cause of it in the first place.
To be against it means that you look like a member of a dangerous group. If you aren't, then change your look and become someone that's respected. Yes, you can't get rid of the color of your skin or your accent, but you can dress respectably, refine your walk, your expressions, your hair, etc.
I know, I sound like a bigot...I'm not. I get profiled a lot. That's fine with me. It has never gotten me arrested because after I'm profiled, they realize that I'm one of the good guys.
So, profiling is here to stay.....if you have a problem with that; GET OVER IT !

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

War or Peace ?

There are wars of one kind or another going on all over the world as you read this. It seems that mankind's destiny is to be engaged in war. Practically everything ever invented were devices for war; after the war ended, these inventions were then modified to be used during the period of peace.
Examples are stirrups, buttons, gunpowder, steel, radar, etc.
There has NEVER been a time when a war wasn't going on somewhere since man first emerged. Since the first creature hit another of his own kind with a rock or treebranch, man has put his efforts into improving his weapons; and there has never been a weapon made that hasn't been used.
The only real way to achieve peace is by conquest. Treaties, agreements, etc. only last long enough for one side or the other to develop better weapons and a stronger army...then the peace comes to an end.
Without war, we would still be living in the jungles and forests like we did tens of thousands of years ago. The few remaining areas of the world that haven't been touched by war are still inhabited by people that haven't progressed in thousands of years. Because of war, we have been able to establish boundaries, creature comforts, lifestyles, "tribal" loyalty, societies, cities, nations, etc. During the lull of peacetime, nothing happens to the progress of mankind. War is a very needed act in order for us to have progress.
Today, we are engaged in a new kind of war...we are fighting an enemy that has no commander, no uniforms, no personal integrity, no human values, etc. Because some of us cannot see the "big picture", we want to believe that if we pull all of our troops back, the islamic world will stop its conquest. Do you really think that they will stop pushing for islam to rule the world ? The only place that is preparing for a pre-emptive strike against islam is in the Orient. Both China and North Korea are building huge armies and stashes of weapons of mass destruction.
Today's wars are represented as being for "freedom", natural resources, righteousness, etc. The real reason that we MUST go to war immediately is that without a pre-emptive strike at the islamic nations, then the Orient and finally South America, they will have a chance to grow powerful enough to eliminate us.
WW III is only a very short time away. It WILL HAPPEN in your lifetime. While we wait, we are using up our resources, money, people, equipment, etc. and becoming weaker. The world is watching this happen and is just waiting to "take its shot" at us.
Most of you think that our only enemy at this time is the islamic world and we're keeping the action there.
Duh...they have already started to fight here in the United States...don't you remember the attack on the Trade Center and then a few years later, the destruction of the Trade Center ? Don't you remember Oklahoma city ?
The people responsible for that were trained by islamics. Yes, McVey and Nichols went to the Philippines where they were shown exactly how to build the truck bomb that they used. The war is here ! Now !
There is no reason that we can't win a war anywhere in the world in a weekend. We have the power, the trained personnel and the weapons. The problem is that since WW II we have always fought a war from a "politically correct" standpoint. Remember Viet Nam ? We couldn't shoot into Michelin plantations or bomb certain areas.
How could we lose 55,000 soldiers and not beat a little country like that ? Didn't you ever think about it ?
WAR IS IMPERATIVE...IT MUST BE STARTED NOW...Every day that we wait, is a day closer to our destruction.
There has never been a period of peace where no one made bigger and better weapons. There has never been a period of peace where no one built a bigger army. There has never been a period of peace where much scientific advancement took place.
War is coming whether you like it or not. Of course, wars are always unpopular as they represent loss of life and property. Without war there is no need for life and property. Peace can not last and wars will continue. That being said, why shouldn't we be the victors and force peace on others rather than have others force their ways on us ?
Pre-emptive strikes have huge benefits. What would have happened if we attacked Hitler in 1939 ? Only a few hundred lives would have been lost and WW II would have never taken place. By starting war prematurely, you don't give the enemy a chance to build up their war machine. It also lessens the amount of casulties and property lost. Remember how we ended WW II ? Yes, by dropping the "unspeakable" on Japan and continuous bombing of all German cities. An atomic bomb going off is an awesome sight. It makes one think; should I surrender or go for my own destruction ? A simultaneous pre-mptive strike with stealth bombers dropping atomic bombs in a dozen parts of the world will bring all leaders "to the table" to discuss how they can be our "friends".
Then we can give the UNCONDITIONAL rules for peace. If you can think of a better way, let me know. I'd prefer not to kill millions of people and destroy thousands of square miles of property. However, there is not a better way.
Your lifestyle changed dramatically since 9/11 and you don't even realize it yet. Until we attack in full force, your life will become more complicated and worrisome. And, if we wait long enough and stay "politically correct", your lifestyle (and probably your life) will vanish.
The best thing you can do right now is to send millions of letters, telegrams and e-mails to Washington, D.C. demanding to get this insanity over with by attacking the world with our weapons of mass destruction. It will probably be your last hope. If you do nothing or condem those that agree with this tactic, you are then not only part of the problem; YOU ARE THE ENEMY also.

Friday, August 19, 2005

In need of help...

We are in dire need of some GOOD help. Every day we see the "Help Wanted" section of the newspaper and "Help Wanted" signs in store windows. The problem is that in the overwhelming majority of job seekers, few are really qualified for those positions.
Here are a few examples:
(1) Go into a restaurant and see what kind of "service" you get. Most of the wait staff in restaurants today are unskilled and just think that they deserve a tip because they took your order and delivered it. The real professional waiters and waitresses make a good living because their skills are acknowledged by the patrons.
(2) Log into a game-room and you will see "BRB" by some of the players. This means "Be Right Back". When they return, they usually say something like, "I'm at work and my boss was just here...". So, what are they being paid for; to work or play games ?
(3) Take something in to get it repaired. After you get it back, you find that either it still isn't completely repaired or the repair person never checked to see what caused the need for repair. How many times have you had to take something back again ?
(4) Some of the worst places to shop are the large chain stores Costco, Walmart, Fry's, Comp USA, Sears, Nordstrom, your local supermarket, and many, many more. Try to find a knowledgeable person that works in one of these places to help you with a question...good luck. If you are lucky enough to find someone, they have to refer you to someone else, and so on.
In addition to getting no service; don't you just hate being treated like a thief when you exit some of these stores ? They check your receipt and bags as though you're stealing something. The truth is that they wouldn't know if you were or not. Sometime, put something of yours in the bag before you exit to see if they catch it...they won't. You can steal anything you want at these places, as long as it's in your bag or cart and you have a receipt for everything else.
(5) Get someone to cut & trim your lawn. They finish a two hour job in about 20 minutes, you pay them, and after they're gone, you discover that the job either was poorly done or not completed.

I could go on with hundreds of examples of this "slackerdom" attitude in today's employees but that would only bore you. If you're reading my blog, then you are smart enough to know exactly what I'm talking about. The majority of workers today hate their job, hate their boss, go out of their way to do as little as possible, never check their work and bitch about why they're paid so little. In addition to the incompetent worker, we also have the incompetent supervisor (or boss) that got into their position due to the Peter Principle. [For those of you that don't know what Dr. Peter's principle is; it states that we are all capable of rising to our first level of incompetence and will never be fired from that level; however should we advance to our second level of incompetence, we run the risk of being exposed...] so, we try to stay at or below our first level of incompetence and bitch, bitch, bitch.
When people tell me that they're underpaid, I tell them to go get a job where they are paid what they deserve. The truth is that they already are getting overpaid for what they deserve.
Unfortunately, we are in a generation of SLACKERS; raised to make as little a contribution to anything as is possible. It will only get worse before it collapses.
Stop tipping, stop saying "thank You", stop accepting minimal efforts, stop smiling at them...treat these slackers like the props that they are. Part of this slacker problem started at home and in school...they just kept moving them up until they were pushed out into the workforce. I know college and university graduates that can't read well, know no math or science, but can tell you every detail of any character on "The Simpsons" or list all the songs ever made by a particular band, or have reached the 20th level of their favorite video game, but they can't figure out how to make change at the cash register (that's why the registers have to do the work for them and actually print it out).......LOL

OK, now get out there and get some NO SERVICE today...Ta Da

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Hybrid cars

Wow...what a scam this is !
People are being told that hybrid cars are getting fantastic mileage (up to 75 mpg in some cases), when the truth is that in everyday use, not a one of them is getting over 35 mpg.
Besides these first generation models have electic motors that burn out and need replacement ($1,000 -$3,000 ea.) in less than 60,000 miles. Add in the extra pricing ($3,000-$1,2000) and the increased cost of insurance and you're not saving any money.
AAA and Edmunds have both figured out that you will actually save about $81 over a period of 5 years...big deal.
The only reason to buy one of these hybrids is if you're enviornmentally involved as they do cut down on harmful emmissions by about 30 percent.
Don't waste your money; wait until the Lithium powered cars are mass produced. There are companys making them right now. A good example is the thes cars and motorcycles are being made by Hybrid Technologies (HYBT.OB). Hydrogen powered vehicles are also "just around the corner".
Just wait and you will be able to have transportation that requires no gasoline and only either a very short charging cycle or almost free hydrogen.
DON'T FALL FOR THE FALSE ADVERTISING by the auto manufacturers...

Good planning...

The whole world is watching the Isaeli's pullout from their settlements on the Gaza Strip.
They are giving up this land to the Palestinians as a token of good faith with nothing promised to them in return.
Of course the Palestinians will continue to attack Israel regardless, as they want that country to disappear off of the map.
The interesting thing about all of this is that after the settlements are occupied by the Palestinians and they continue their attacks, Israel will now have every reason to attack back and with FULL FORCE, thus triggering a major war. The arab nations and some of the European nations will side with the Palestinians while the United States, Great Britain and some other European contries will side with Israel. The obvious conclusion will be great devastation to the arab world with Israel paying a huge price too.
Of course this won't solve the problem. The problem was created at the end of WW II when the Germans were defeated and the English decided that they had the "final solution to the Jewish problem" by GIVING the area known as Israel to the Jews; thus putting most of them smack in the middle of the arab nations. The English thought that the arabs would then continue what Hitler started and there would be no more Jews.
Getting into the mix was Soviet Union, selling huge amounts of weapons to the arabs. On the other hand, Israel developed superior weapons and bought the more advanced arms and aircraft from the United States.
What triggered the 6 Day War was that the Soviet Union sold hundreds of tanks and military gear to both sides and only delivered one shipment in between Egypt and Israel and they were both told, "go get 'em" (a game of "let's you and them fight"). We know the rest of that story...
Now it will be interesting to see how long it takes before full scale war breaks out in that part of the world. We have to totally back Israel as we need them in the up coming WW III with the middle east, as we will also be fighting in several other theatres such as So. America, China, No. Korea, etc.

Another piece of good planning (similar to the Palestinians getting the Gaza Strip is how Mexico is getting territory in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. Thousands of Mexicans cross the borders of these states every day and use our services for free.
Hasn't anyone watched the Puerto Ricans and the Cubans takeover of southern Florida ?
The border states already have populations that are more than 50%'s a very short time until they are an overwhelming majority and they will be active in changing existing laws to completely take over those states.
Why isn't anyone doing anything about this ? Can't you see the "big picture" ?
Between the oil problem, the "Mexican Invasion", the world arming itself and the islamic dedication to world domination, we've got a PROBLEM. If we don't do something about it today, we may not see tomorrow.
Get off your ass and start communicating with your representatives as well as you friends and neighbors. If you don't; get ready to give up your present lifestyle, opportunities, freedoms, and maybe even your lives...

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

More nonsense...

Are you aware that some states have laws that give special privilage to illegal aliens that are denied to American citizens ?
In some states, illegals are given interest free loans to buy homes, start businesses, etc. These loans are not available to LEGAL citizens. If the illegal defaults on the loan (such as their business failing) or moves away, YOU, the taxpayer are making the loan good and paying it off.
How do you think that Abu can own a 7-11 or Raul can own a restaurant ?
Right now there is a big challenge regarding education. In some states (Kansa, Texas, etc.) there are laws that allow illegals residence status to get financial aid for college. Out of state American citizen students cannot avail themselves of this privilige.
What it really means is that anyone can sneak into this country, go to college, qualify for residency and upon graduation, move anywhere to avoid any payback. It also gives them the status to apply for citizenship at a future date (which most don't do).
You, as an American citizen, can not apply for the same student assistance. And, if you are a resident of a state other than the one you are going to school in, your tuition is much higher than the illegal's.
In 1996 Kansas passed their law, which is being challenged in court at this time.
In 2001, Gov. Rick Perry enacted House Bill 1403 in Texas that allowed this travesty...and it was hailed by supporters (you know who they are) as a compassionate way to help immigrants to attend college.
This is nonsense...the taxpayer picking up the tab for illegals to take up seats in colleges that should be filled by American citizens.
It's bad enough that they sneak in to have their babies born here so they can stay, that they are draining our social services such as emergency rooms (that are running out of money and closing in some cities), that those that are actually working in such trades as construction, lawn maintenance, or any other job that pays cash daily, pay no taxes, social security, medicare, etc.
In other words, foreigners come into our country and get YOU, the taxpayer to pick up their tab for everything they need or want. Last month, I was allowed into a home where an illegal family lived (they were from Argentina and came from a wealthy family). Their rent was paid for by a grant from a city organization, their food was bought with food stamps, all of their medical was taken care of in the local "free" clinics and emergency rooms, their immunization for the school children was free, the children were in public school (1), high school (2) and college (1), they owned a 2 year old Mercedes automobile, large flat screen TV with a brand new Sony X-box, the refrigerator was filled with beer, there were 3 bongs in the living room, expensive furniture, a nice barbeque in the backyard, they all had on new clothes, etc.
I don't deny anyone anything, but am tired of paying for their leisure lifestyle as well as giving them privilages that are not available to you or me, that were born and raised in this country. Again, this is another example of how those bleeding heart liberals are deteriorating this country. They are determined to make the hard working American shift their income to those that are here illegally or those that refuse to contribute.
When are you going to write or call your representatives and start bitching about their giveaway of America ? If you don't do something today, YOU are part of the problem.

Friday, August 12, 2005

When does this stop .....?

When does the price of oil stop going up ? At $80, $90, $100 a barrel ? After every American is broke. Those arabs are sticking it to us and taking billions of dollars daily out of our pockets in order to buy arms to kill us with.
It's time for the U.S. to take VERY agressive action. We have troops in the middle east, use them to invade Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. and take over the oil fields...then watch those scumbags in Europe become our allies. Of course there will be "collateral damage" (newspeak for uninvolved persons losing their lives and property), but that's too bad. Are you more concerned with some arab's life than your own ? If you are, then get over there and live with them.
Since the world waits for America to spend its money and shed its blood to protect them, we should take over the world's oil supply and bring the world to its knees. That would also bring China's economy and military buildup to a screeching halt. This is the ONLY way that we have left to preserve our way of life and maintain being the world's greatest power as well as the "police" of the world.
If by taking over the worlds oil supply, we take economic control of the planet, we can then dictate human rights, democracy, more balanced trade, etc., thus making enemies into wimps and 3rd world nations into budding economic survivors and of course, our friends will prosper and become even friendlier.
Screw political correctness. The world is almost on the brink of WWIII anyway; why not get it started and prove our might ? There isn't an area in the world that we can't overtake without a single troop on the ground. We can take the world from the air, and anyone that resists, NUKE 'EM.
Just an atom bomb or three or ten in several different parts of the world on the same day will stop all this craziness instantly. Sit down and write to your Congressmen (and women) to do something immediately, before you are bankrupt and our economy and way of life is destroyed. DO SOMETHING TODAY !!!
I know all those liberals out there are shocked at this but do they have a better idea that will be as effective ? Of course they don't. They think that peace is the only way. Peace has ALWAYS been determined by conquest. Therefore, we must conquer the world...and do it today. Tomorrow is too late.
Not only is the price of gasoline affected, your food supply, energy needs, consumer products, government services, and everything that you need will be priced so high that town by town, city by city, state by state will collapse until there is only anarchy and each individual becomes responsible for their own survival without any help from the government or even neighbors.
There is no other way except world domination, NOW.
You might think that this solution is too radical, but you keep thinking that when you're scrounging for some food or shelter...then remember reading this and see if you still think that this solution is still too radical. Most of you won't even realize that your way of life is over until it's too late and there's no turning back. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT TODAY !!!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Eminent Domain

Because of the Supreme Court decision last month regarding the use of "Eminent Domain", there are all kinds of legislation popping up all over the country.
How dare the Supreme Court "rewrite" the constitution. Since when can the Supreme Court make laws ? I thought that it was the job of Congress. Nevertheless, they got away with it and Congress is letting them get away with it. There goes another one of our protections due to liberal intrusion.
An interesting situation is occurring in Texas. The University of Texas (a state financed business) not only went after a section of the poorer part of Austin, but asked that it be re-assessed at $1/ house and $1/ business in a four square block area in order to build a luxury hotel. Even though UT has a "strangle hold" on the city of Austin, the state legislators are scrambling to make a law protecting property owners because if UT gets their way, it could cause a mini civil war in that city.
Texans will fight to the death to protect what is theirs; and by UT jumping on the Supreme Court decision within 24 hours of it, the public is outraged.
The problem is that the State Capitol is within walking distance of UT and some of the state legislators are UT graduates (with allegiance to UT). UT always gets what it wants from the state. They have huge holdings of property and businesses, some of which merely stand idle with no use or improvements. UT is not used to not getting its way and there will be quite a fight between the university and the state over this. If they get away with it, there will be no reason for anyone to own any property in Texas any longer.
The question comes up that if UT wants to build a luxury hotel, why don't they do it on some of that unimproved land that they own in choice areas throughout the city of Austin ? Most of the people that either work at or are students at UT don't realize that UT has lost its original intention of being a facility of education and has quietly become a business in competition with private enterprise.
A perfect example of this is seen in what they call the "Burnt Orange Project". It was originally set up to make three low budget movies each year using students from their film school to actually learn (hands on) the process of movie making. What happened was that UT hired people from Hollywood to make the movie and allowed a handful of students to be goffers for their productions. When word of this got out into the film community in L.A., they lost several distribution contacts.
Bottom line is that UT is a business hiding behind the facade of being a state university.
Now we wait to see what the state legislators are going to do. The problem is that all of this is being "hushed up" because UT also dictates what the local newspapers, radio and TV stations can release about them. Texas has always had the "good old boy" way of doing business and politics; but this crosses that line between what is acceptable and what is outragious.
Any of you that are reading this and are living in Texas, write, call, e-mail, whatever, to your state representative expressing your outrage.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

??? OIL ???

When the price of oil was $26/ barrel, a friend of mine bought a contract for 5,000 barrels of crude oil in the commodities market.
He told me that it was going beyond $40/ barrel. I was skeptical about how he knew this or was he just guessing...
I watched as the price dropped to $24/ barrel and put it out of my mind. Unknown to me, my friend kept adding on contracts to his holdings and called me when the price was above $42/ barrel to tell me that it was going up to between $80 and $100/ barrel before it would come down.
Here we are, months later and I see that crude oil is priced above $64/ barrel. What's making this happen ?
There is NO SHORTAGE of oil and it's being pumped out of the ground at record rates. There is so much oil that the refineries are unable to process it as fast as it comes to them.
Who is causing this huge price increase ?
Now, I remember back in 1973 that we had an "oil crisis" and cars were lining up at the gas pumps for gasoline that we were told there was a shortage of.
Years later, the truth came out that it was an experiment by our government to see if they could restrict our travel across the country by keeping the oil tankers out at sea in order to create this "shortage". Today, we are being told that the refineries cannot meet the demand or that China is bidding up the price in order to keep their growing economy going. Another answer that I hear is that the oil companies are manipulating the price in the futures markets.
Regardless, this huge price increase is causing our economy to slow down and maybe even come to a screeching halt while tens of billions of dollars are going to our enemies in the middle east.
What's wrong with this picture ? It appears that this is a "takeoff" on HOW TO BOIL A FROG...just put him in the pot and slowly bring up the heat until the water is boiling and it's too late for the frog to escape.
Since most of our economy at any level depends on oil, by increasing the price, it will soon be too costly to continue to do business, manufacture, travel, etc. This will cause our way of life to move backwards until we can't even afford to defend ourselves.
Why aren't we controlling the oil in Iraq to reimburse us for this war ? The arabs are (1) letting us spend tens of billions to fight this war and (2) letting us spend more tens of billions to rebuild Iraq after the war ends as they deplete us of tens of billions daily for their oil.
Since "necessity is the mother of invention", let's just nuke all the middle eastern oil fields to make all that oil unusable and you will then see a huge scramble for alternate souces of energy and lubrication. The technology for some of these alternates have been with us for years, yet nothing has been done to develop and promote alternative energy uses.
Are you or I going to let those arabs "turn up the heat until we're boiling" ? It's time to change the mission of our troops in the middle east to invading ALL oil producing countries and either take over their oil or destroy it or make it useless. If we don't act soon, we could become a third rate nation with even food becoming too costly to afford. make matters worse, the Fed keeps raising the interest rates. If this all continues, you and I could end up penniless and at the whims of our new invaders.
China has already figured out how to take over the world by quietly buying up small blocks of stocks on an almost daily basis in the major corporations of the world until they own controlling interest in those corporations. Then, we all end up working for the Chinese and living under whatever system they dictate.
First we must STOP THE ARABS and second, either have trade agreements or stop the Chinese from owning all of the worlds economy.
They are both following the Golden Rule (Whoever has the gold, makes the rules). Why are we falling for this and letting it happen ? Is our government stupid or silently in on it ?
I feel helpless as an individual to do anything about it; collectively though, we can probably do something...but it must be done soon as the "heat is being turned up" slowly but daily. When does our pot start to boil ? Your way of live is being destroyed and you aren't even noticing it all around you.
Wars should be profitable with the spoils going to the victor. Why haven't we become wealthier (other than the privilaged few) at the end of every war ? Why do we care what the world thinks of us (even our "friends" hate us) if by being politically correct is destroying the United States of America from within. Is this what you want ? What kind of life are your children going to have ? Will there be any adequate life for your grandchildren ?
WAKE UP people and do something TODAY to stop the pot from boiling...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Ta Da Today

Today, I'm really upset with the intimidation that the Presbyterian Church is trying to pull.
They have decided to divest themselves of stocks in companies that are doing business in Israel. They are threatening to sell their holdings in Caterpillar Inc., Citigroup, ITT Industries, Motorola Inc. and United Technologies.
How rediculous they are. First of all, these are huge companies and by the Presbyterian Church selling off their stock in these five companies will have little effect in the overall profits that these companies will make for their shareholders. Second, how dare any religious group try to dictate to a publicly held corporation where they should be doing business. Now, I can understand our government putting up trade barriers with hostile nations; but a church trying to control the value of a stock...that's not only trying to interfere with free trade but, who do they think they are ?
If they don't like what a company is doing, don't invest in it...but don't try to "negotiate" with them about who they are doing business with.
I'm curious as to what other companies are in their portfolio. I'll bet that they own stocks in companies that are also doing things or deal in products that we could find controversial. That would also make them hypocrites.
A church is about worship, not commerce. If they are trying to manipulate our stock market, then they should lose their tax-exempt status. Besides, why should they be able to trade stocks tax-free ? What kind of crap is that ?
As soon as they sell of their holdings in the above mentioned stocks, watch then soar.
Shame on the Presbyterian Church for doing anything unrealted to their main purpose; that of religion...

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Comment on todays news

There is a huge controversy going on in the chat rooms about the news today that hundreds of al Qaida cells are operating independently throughout the world. These are brainwashed, ignorant people that only want islam to be the rule of order.
The problem is easily solved by:
(1) Getting our troops back here to guard our borders while we fight the war from the air. All we have to do is nuke the entire middle east (from Turkey to Iran) and that will make all their oil unusable, thus cutting off their income and they can continue to live (those that survive) like they did 1500 years ago under islamic rule.
(2) We must NEVER fight a "politically correct" war again and expect to win anything except a large body count.
(3) In order to protect ourselves from this radical insurgency, and not knowing who the good guys or the bad guys are, every person of arab origin must be rouded up and place in hard labor in those well maintained concentration camps left over from WWII.
(4) All mosques must be closed until they start turning in those that they know (and they do know) of that are radicals. The politically correct thing to do is to make the paractice of islam illegal and punishable by death.

Until we start profiling and stopping every Middle Easterner to hassle and harass them, this threat will continue in our nation. I can't tell who is who; can you ?
The only people that this should upset are those "bleeding heart" liberals whose fault this all is in the first place.
Get out there and start making life in the USA intolerable for all arabs and muslims...

Political Correctness...

In today's "newspeak" we find the phrase "Politically Correct".
I'm really confused as it is not political nor correct.
What "Political Correctness" means is that one must at all times either have no opinion or never share their opinion because it might offend someone.
What a bunch of crap that is.
Any time you say anything, there will always be someone in disagreement and even someone claiming that their feelings were hurt by it. So; in order to not infringe on anyone else's thoughts or opinions, one must NEVER share their thoughts, regardless of how pure and innocent they might be.
Those that practice "Politcal Correctness" (or at least claim to) are liars. They are afraid to say what they are thinking deep down inside because they unconsciously fear someone not liking them.
NEVER trust anyone that claims that they practice "Political Correctness" because they are lying to you. They have a very pointed opinion and refuse to express it out of fear. If one is truly "Politically Correct" then they are stupid, dead, or insane.
Are you really afraid to hurt someone's feelings? Are they more important than you ? Are you one of the "sheep" just following the flock in order to not be noticed ? In that case, you and any opinions you might express are as worthless as you are.
Only the strong (regardless of how well educated or ignorant) have the self confidence to express themselves freely. The rest might as well be single celled creatures.
I don't care if you think that I'm some "bad" person because I choose NOT to be "Politically Correct". I don't care if I hurt your feelings. I can't hurt your feelings unless you let me. I have to live with myself and my personal integrity means a lot more to me than you do.
I set up this blog in order to share with those that are also considered to be "Politically Incorrect". Those of you that are afraid; risk it, try'll feel much better about yourself.
Freedom of speech is just that ! You are free to say whatever you wish, about whatever you wish, whenever you wish.
This all started way back when our government decided that we couldn't say certain things because it might incite some people. First, they made laws about warning anyone about a fire in the theater...then they said I couldn't call you names, and it was all "downhill" from there. Today, some of you are even afraid to think about anything because it might be "Politically Incorrect" and you might feel guilty.....awwwww.
The truth is that you CAN think and you do have opinions but are just too afraid of what others might think of you if you excercized your right of free speech. It's because of you that all of our freedoms and rights are slowly being eradicated. When are you going to stand up for what you really believe, regardless of how unpopular it might be ? When are you going to stop living in fear of other's opinions ? When are you going to become free ?
We, that are "Politically Incorrect" look down on the rest of you because of the harm you are doing to everyone.
I dare you to become "Politically Incorrect" don't have the "guts" for it. You are the final loser.........

Saturday, August 06, 2005


At this new site (established 8/9/10) you will be told the real truth about life, what's happening around you and the universe.
Sometimes you may agree; other times you may get really pissed off because i might have "stepped on" your belief systems. Either way, give me your most passionate feedback so that I can become more aware and sensitive to my universe and yours.
You can reach me at .