Tuesday, August 23, 2005

War or Peace ?

There are wars of one kind or another going on all over the world as you read this. It seems that mankind's destiny is to be engaged in war. Practically everything ever invented were devices for war; after the war ended, these inventions were then modified to be used during the period of peace.
Examples are stirrups, buttons, gunpowder, steel, radar, etc.
There has NEVER been a time when a war wasn't going on somewhere since man first emerged. Since the first creature hit another of his own kind with a rock or treebranch, man has put his efforts into improving his weapons; and there has never been a weapon made that hasn't been used.
The only real way to achieve peace is by conquest. Treaties, agreements, etc. only last long enough for one side or the other to develop better weapons and a stronger army...then the peace comes to an end.
Without war, we would still be living in the jungles and forests like we did tens of thousands of years ago. The few remaining areas of the world that haven't been touched by war are still inhabited by people that haven't progressed in thousands of years. Because of war, we have been able to establish boundaries, creature comforts, lifestyles, "tribal" loyalty, societies, cities, nations, etc. During the lull of peacetime, nothing happens to the progress of mankind. War is a very needed act in order for us to have progress.
Today, we are engaged in a new kind of war...we are fighting an enemy that has no commander, no uniforms, no personal integrity, no human values, etc. Because some of us cannot see the "big picture", we want to believe that if we pull all of our troops back, the islamic world will stop its conquest. Do you really think that they will stop pushing for islam to rule the world ? The only place that is preparing for a pre-emptive strike against islam is in the Orient. Both China and North Korea are building huge armies and stashes of weapons of mass destruction.
Today's wars are represented as being for "freedom", natural resources, righteousness, etc. The real reason that we MUST go to war immediately is that without a pre-emptive strike at the islamic nations, then the Orient and finally South America, they will have a chance to grow powerful enough to eliminate us.
WW III is only a very short time away. It WILL HAPPEN in your lifetime. While we wait, we are using up our resources, money, people, equipment, etc. and becoming weaker. The world is watching this happen and is just waiting to "take its shot" at us.
Most of you think that our only enemy at this time is the islamic world and we're keeping the action there.
Duh...they have already started to fight here in the United States...don't you remember the attack on the Trade Center and then a few years later, the destruction of the Trade Center ? Don't you remember Oklahoma city ?
The people responsible for that were trained by islamics. Yes, McVey and Nichols went to the Philippines where they were shown exactly how to build the truck bomb that they used. The war is here ! Now !
There is no reason that we can't win a war anywhere in the world in a weekend. We have the power, the trained personnel and the weapons. The problem is that since WW II we have always fought a war from a "politically correct" standpoint. Remember Viet Nam ? We couldn't shoot into Michelin plantations or bomb certain areas.
How could we lose 55,000 soldiers and not beat a little country like that ? Didn't you ever think about it ?
WAR IS IMPERATIVE...IT MUST BE STARTED NOW...Every day that we wait, is a day closer to our destruction.
There has never been a period of peace where no one made bigger and better weapons. There has never been a period of peace where no one built a bigger army. There has never been a period of peace where much scientific advancement took place.
War is coming whether you like it or not. Of course, wars are always unpopular as they represent loss of life and property. Without war there is no need for life and property. Peace can not last and wars will continue. That being said, why shouldn't we be the victors and force peace on others rather than have others force their ways on us ?
Pre-emptive strikes have huge benefits. What would have happened if we attacked Hitler in 1939 ? Only a few hundred lives would have been lost and WW II would have never taken place. By starting war prematurely, you don't give the enemy a chance to build up their war machine. It also lessens the amount of casulties and property lost. Remember how we ended WW II ? Yes, by dropping the "unspeakable" on Japan and continuous bombing of all German cities. An atomic bomb going off is an awesome sight. It makes one think; should I surrender or go for my own destruction ? A simultaneous pre-mptive strike with stealth bombers dropping atomic bombs in a dozen parts of the world will bring all leaders "to the table" to discuss how they can be our "friends".
Then we can give the UNCONDITIONAL rules for peace. If you can think of a better way, let me know. I'd prefer not to kill millions of people and destroy thousands of square miles of property. However, there is not a better way.
Your lifestyle changed dramatically since 9/11 and you don't even realize it yet. Until we attack in full force, your life will become more complicated and worrisome. And, if we wait long enough and stay "politically correct", your lifestyle (and probably your life) will vanish.
The best thing you can do right now is to send millions of letters, telegrams and e-mails to Washington, D.C. demanding to get this insanity over with by attacking the world with our weapons of mass destruction. It will probably be your last hope. If you do nothing or condem those that agree with this tactic, you are then not only part of the problem; YOU ARE THE ENEMY also.


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