Sunday, August 07, 2005

Political Correctness...

In today's "newspeak" we find the phrase "Politically Correct".
I'm really confused as it is not political nor correct.
What "Political Correctness" means is that one must at all times either have no opinion or never share their opinion because it might offend someone.
What a bunch of crap that is.
Any time you say anything, there will always be someone in disagreement and even someone claiming that their feelings were hurt by it. So; in order to not infringe on anyone else's thoughts or opinions, one must NEVER share their thoughts, regardless of how pure and innocent they might be.
Those that practice "Politcal Correctness" (or at least claim to) are liars. They are afraid to say what they are thinking deep down inside because they unconsciously fear someone not liking them.
NEVER trust anyone that claims that they practice "Political Correctness" because they are lying to you. They have a very pointed opinion and refuse to express it out of fear. If one is truly "Politically Correct" then they are stupid, dead, or insane.
Are you really afraid to hurt someone's feelings? Are they more important than you ? Are you one of the "sheep" just following the flock in order to not be noticed ? In that case, you and any opinions you might express are as worthless as you are.
Only the strong (regardless of how well educated or ignorant) have the self confidence to express themselves freely. The rest might as well be single celled creatures.
I don't care if you think that I'm some "bad" person because I choose NOT to be "Politically Correct". I don't care if I hurt your feelings. I can't hurt your feelings unless you let me. I have to live with myself and my personal integrity means a lot more to me than you do.
I set up this blog in order to share with those that are also considered to be "Politically Incorrect". Those of you that are afraid; risk it, try'll feel much better about yourself.
Freedom of speech is just that ! You are free to say whatever you wish, about whatever you wish, whenever you wish.
This all started way back when our government decided that we couldn't say certain things because it might incite some people. First, they made laws about warning anyone about a fire in the theater...then they said I couldn't call you names, and it was all "downhill" from there. Today, some of you are even afraid to think about anything because it might be "Politically Incorrect" and you might feel guilty.....awwwww.
The truth is that you CAN think and you do have opinions but are just too afraid of what others might think of you if you excercized your right of free speech. It's because of you that all of our freedoms and rights are slowly being eradicated. When are you going to stand up for what you really believe, regardless of how unpopular it might be ? When are you going to stop living in fear of other's opinions ? When are you going to become free ?
We, that are "Politically Incorrect" look down on the rest of you because of the harm you are doing to everyone.
I dare you to become "Politically Incorrect" don't have the "guts" for it. You are the final loser.........


At 1:16 AM, Blogger ZERO.POINT said...

Here, here. Will be looking forward to a much-needed alternative perspective. We need more sages. Thanks, wize one.


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