Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Good planning...

The whole world is watching the Isaeli's pullout from their settlements on the Gaza Strip.
They are giving up this land to the Palestinians as a token of good faith with nothing promised to them in return.
Of course the Palestinians will continue to attack Israel regardless, as they want that country to disappear off of the map.
The interesting thing about all of this is that after the settlements are occupied by the Palestinians and they continue their attacks, Israel will now have every reason to attack back and with FULL FORCE, thus triggering a major war. The arab nations and some of the European nations will side with the Palestinians while the United States, Great Britain and some other European contries will side with Israel. The obvious conclusion will be great devastation to the arab world with Israel paying a huge price too.
Of course this won't solve the problem. The problem was created at the end of WW II when the Germans were defeated and the English decided that they had the "final solution to the Jewish problem" by GIVING the area known as Israel to the Jews; thus putting most of them smack in the middle of the arab nations. The English thought that the arabs would then continue what Hitler started and there would be no more Jews.
Getting into the mix was Soviet Union, selling huge amounts of weapons to the arabs. On the other hand, Israel developed superior weapons and bought the more advanced arms and aircraft from the United States.
What triggered the 6 Day War was that the Soviet Union sold hundreds of tanks and military gear to both sides and only delivered one shipment in between Egypt and Israel and they were both told, "go get 'em" (a game of "let's you and them fight"). We know the rest of that story...
Now it will be interesting to see how long it takes before full scale war breaks out in that part of the world. We have to totally back Israel as we need them in the up coming WW III with the middle east, as we will also be fighting in several other theatres such as So. America, China, No. Korea, etc.

Another piece of good planning (similar to the Palestinians getting the Gaza Strip is how Mexico is getting territory in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. Thousands of Mexicans cross the borders of these states every day and use our services for free.
Hasn't anyone watched the Puerto Ricans and the Cubans takeover of southern Florida ?
The border states already have populations that are more than 50%'s a very short time until they are an overwhelming majority and they will be active in changing existing laws to completely take over those states.
Why isn't anyone doing anything about this ? Can't you see the "big picture" ?
Between the oil problem, the "Mexican Invasion", the world arming itself and the islamic dedication to world domination, we've got a PROBLEM. If we don't do something about it today, we may not see tomorrow.
Get off your ass and start communicating with your representatives as well as you friends and neighbors. If you don't; get ready to give up your present lifestyle, opportunities, freedoms, and maybe even your lives...


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