Friday, August 12, 2005

When does this stop .....?

When does the price of oil stop going up ? At $80, $90, $100 a barrel ? After every American is broke. Those arabs are sticking it to us and taking billions of dollars daily out of our pockets in order to buy arms to kill us with.
It's time for the U.S. to take VERY agressive action. We have troops in the middle east, use them to invade Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. and take over the oil fields...then watch those scumbags in Europe become our allies. Of course there will be "collateral damage" (newspeak for uninvolved persons losing their lives and property), but that's too bad. Are you more concerned with some arab's life than your own ? If you are, then get over there and live with them.
Since the world waits for America to spend its money and shed its blood to protect them, we should take over the world's oil supply and bring the world to its knees. That would also bring China's economy and military buildup to a screeching halt. This is the ONLY way that we have left to preserve our way of life and maintain being the world's greatest power as well as the "police" of the world.
If by taking over the worlds oil supply, we take economic control of the planet, we can then dictate human rights, democracy, more balanced trade, etc., thus making enemies into wimps and 3rd world nations into budding economic survivors and of course, our friends will prosper and become even friendlier.
Screw political correctness. The world is almost on the brink of WWIII anyway; why not get it started and prove our might ? There isn't an area in the world that we can't overtake without a single troop on the ground. We can take the world from the air, and anyone that resists, NUKE 'EM.
Just an atom bomb or three or ten in several different parts of the world on the same day will stop all this craziness instantly. Sit down and write to your Congressmen (and women) to do something immediately, before you are bankrupt and our economy and way of life is destroyed. DO SOMETHING TODAY !!!
I know all those liberals out there are shocked at this but do they have a better idea that will be as effective ? Of course they don't. They think that peace is the only way. Peace has ALWAYS been determined by conquest. Therefore, we must conquer the world...and do it today. Tomorrow is too late.
Not only is the price of gasoline affected, your food supply, energy needs, consumer products, government services, and everything that you need will be priced so high that town by town, city by city, state by state will collapse until there is only anarchy and each individual becomes responsible for their own survival without any help from the government or even neighbors.
There is no other way except world domination, NOW.
You might think that this solution is too radical, but you keep thinking that when you're scrounging for some food or shelter...then remember reading this and see if you still think that this solution is still too radical. Most of you won't even realize that your way of life is over until it's too late and there's no turning back. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT TODAY !!!


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