Tuesday, August 09, 2005

??? OIL ???

When the price of oil was $26/ barrel, a friend of mine bought a contract for 5,000 barrels of crude oil in the commodities market.
He told me that it was going beyond $40/ barrel. I was skeptical about how he knew this or was he just guessing...
I watched as the price dropped to $24/ barrel and put it out of my mind. Unknown to me, my friend kept adding on contracts to his holdings and called me when the price was above $42/ barrel to tell me that it was going up to between $80 and $100/ barrel before it would come down.
Here we are, months later and I see that crude oil is priced above $64/ barrel. What's making this happen ?
There is NO SHORTAGE of oil and it's being pumped out of the ground at record rates. There is so much oil that the refineries are unable to process it as fast as it comes to them.
Who is causing this huge price increase ?
Now, I remember back in 1973 that we had an "oil crisis" and cars were lining up at the gas pumps for gasoline that we were told there was a shortage of.
Years later, the truth came out that it was an experiment by our government to see if they could restrict our travel across the country by keeping the oil tankers out at sea in order to create this "shortage". Today, we are being told that the refineries cannot meet the demand or that China is bidding up the price in order to keep their growing economy going. Another answer that I hear is that the oil companies are manipulating the price in the futures markets.
Regardless, this huge price increase is causing our economy to slow down and maybe even come to a screeching halt while tens of billions of dollars are going to our enemies in the middle east.
What's wrong with this picture ? It appears that this is a "takeoff" on HOW TO BOIL A FROG...just put him in the pot and slowly bring up the heat until the water is boiling and it's too late for the frog to escape.
Since most of our economy at any level depends on oil, by increasing the price, it will soon be too costly to continue to do business, manufacture, travel, etc. This will cause our way of life to move backwards until we can't even afford to defend ourselves.
Why aren't we controlling the oil in Iraq to reimburse us for this war ? The arabs are (1) letting us spend tens of billions to fight this war and (2) letting us spend more tens of billions to rebuild Iraq after the war ends as they deplete us of tens of billions daily for their oil.
Since "necessity is the mother of invention", let's just nuke all the middle eastern oil fields to make all that oil unusable and you will then see a huge scramble for alternate souces of energy and lubrication. The technology for some of these alternates have been with us for years, yet nothing has been done to develop and promote alternative energy uses.
Are you or I going to let those arabs "turn up the heat until we're boiling" ? It's time to change the mission of our troops in the middle east to invading ALL oil producing countries and either take over their oil or destroy it or make it useless. If we don't act soon, we could become a third rate nation with even food becoming too costly to afford. And...to make matters worse, the Fed keeps raising the interest rates. If this all continues, you and I could end up penniless and at the whims of our new invaders.
China has already figured out how to take over the world by quietly buying up small blocks of stocks on an almost daily basis in the major corporations of the world until they own controlling interest in those corporations. Then, we all end up working for the Chinese and living under whatever system they dictate.
First we must STOP THE ARABS and second, either have trade agreements or stop the Chinese from owning all of the worlds economy.
They are both following the Golden Rule (Whoever has the gold, makes the rules). Why are we falling for this and letting it happen ? Is our government stupid or silently in on it ?
I feel helpless as an individual to do anything about it; collectively though, we can probably do something...but it must be done soon as the "heat is being turned up" slowly but daily. When does our pot start to boil ? Your way of live is being destroyed and you aren't even noticing it all around you.
Wars should be profitable with the spoils going to the victor. Why haven't we become wealthier (other than the privilaged few) at the end of every war ? Why do we care what the world thinks of us (even our "friends" hate us) if by being politically correct is destroying the United States of America from within. Is this what you want ? What kind of life are your children going to have ? Will there be any adequate life for your grandchildren ?
WAKE UP people and do something TODAY to stop the pot from boiling...


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