Sunday, August 07, 2005

Comment on todays news

There is a huge controversy going on in the chat rooms about the news today that hundreds of al Qaida cells are operating independently throughout the world. These are brainwashed, ignorant people that only want islam to be the rule of order.
The problem is easily solved by:
(1) Getting our troops back here to guard our borders while we fight the war from the air. All we have to do is nuke the entire middle east (from Turkey to Iran) and that will make all their oil unusable, thus cutting off their income and they can continue to live (those that survive) like they did 1500 years ago under islamic rule.
(2) We must NEVER fight a "politically correct" war again and expect to win anything except a large body count.
(3) In order to protect ourselves from this radical insurgency, and not knowing who the good guys or the bad guys are, every person of arab origin must be rouded up and place in hard labor in those well maintained concentration camps left over from WWII.
(4) All mosques must be closed until they start turning in those that they know (and they do know) of that are radicals. The politically correct thing to do is to make the paractice of islam illegal and punishable by death.

Until we start profiling and stopping every Middle Easterner to hassle and harass them, this threat will continue in our nation. I can't tell who is who; can you ?
The only people that this should upset are those "bleeding heart" liberals whose fault this all is in the first place.
Get out there and start making life in the USA intolerable for all arabs and muslims...


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