Tuesday, August 16, 2005

More nonsense...

Are you aware that some states have laws that give special privilage to illegal aliens that are denied to American citizens ?
In some states, illegals are given interest free loans to buy homes, start businesses, etc. These loans are not available to LEGAL citizens. If the illegal defaults on the loan (such as their business failing) or moves away, YOU, the taxpayer are making the loan good and paying it off.
How do you think that Abu can own a 7-11 or Raul can own a restaurant ?
Right now there is a big challenge regarding education. In some states (Kansa, Texas, etc.) there are laws that allow illegals residence status to get financial aid for college. Out of state American citizen students cannot avail themselves of this privilige.
What it really means is that anyone can sneak into this country, go to college, qualify for residency and upon graduation, move anywhere to avoid any payback. It also gives them the status to apply for citizenship at a future date (which most don't do).
You, as an American citizen, can not apply for the same student assistance. And, if you are a resident of a state other than the one you are going to school in, your tuition is much higher than the illegal's.
In 1996 Kansas passed their law, which is being challenged in court at this time.
In 2001, Gov. Rick Perry enacted House Bill 1403 in Texas that allowed this travesty...and it was hailed by supporters (you know who they are) as a compassionate way to help immigrants to attend college.
This is nonsense...the taxpayer picking up the tab for illegals to take up seats in colleges that should be filled by American citizens.
It's bad enough that they sneak in to have their babies born here so they can stay, that they are draining our social services such as emergency rooms (that are running out of money and closing in some cities), that those that are actually working in such trades as construction, lawn maintenance, or any other job that pays cash daily, pay no taxes, social security, medicare, etc.
In other words, foreigners come into our country and get YOU, the taxpayer to pick up their tab for everything they need or want. Last month, I was allowed into a home where an illegal family lived (they were from Argentina and came from a wealthy family). Their rent was paid for by a grant from a city organization, their food was bought with food stamps, all of their medical was taken care of in the local "free" clinics and emergency rooms, their immunization for the school children was free, the children were in public school (1), high school (2) and college (1), they owned a 2 year old Mercedes automobile, large flat screen TV with a brand new Sony X-box, the refrigerator was filled with beer, there were 3 bongs in the living room, expensive furniture, a nice barbeque in the backyard, they all had on new clothes, etc.
I don't deny anyone anything, but am tired of paying for their leisure lifestyle as well as giving them privilages that are not available to you or me, that were born and raised in this country. Again, this is another example of how those bleeding heart liberals are deteriorating this country. They are determined to make the hard working American shift their income to those that are here illegally or those that refuse to contribute.
When are you going to write or call your representatives and start bitching about their giveaway of America ? If you don't do something today, YOU are part of the problem.


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