Friday, August 19, 2005

In need of help...

We are in dire need of some GOOD help. Every day we see the "Help Wanted" section of the newspaper and "Help Wanted" signs in store windows. The problem is that in the overwhelming majority of job seekers, few are really qualified for those positions.
Here are a few examples:
(1) Go into a restaurant and see what kind of "service" you get. Most of the wait staff in restaurants today are unskilled and just think that they deserve a tip because they took your order and delivered it. The real professional waiters and waitresses make a good living because their skills are acknowledged by the patrons.
(2) Log into a game-room and you will see "BRB" by some of the players. This means "Be Right Back". When they return, they usually say something like, "I'm at work and my boss was just here...". So, what are they being paid for; to work or play games ?
(3) Take something in to get it repaired. After you get it back, you find that either it still isn't completely repaired or the repair person never checked to see what caused the need for repair. How many times have you had to take something back again ?
(4) Some of the worst places to shop are the large chain stores Costco, Walmart, Fry's, Comp USA, Sears, Nordstrom, your local supermarket, and many, many more. Try to find a knowledgeable person that works in one of these places to help you with a question...good luck. If you are lucky enough to find someone, they have to refer you to someone else, and so on.
In addition to getting no service; don't you just hate being treated like a thief when you exit some of these stores ? They check your receipt and bags as though you're stealing something. The truth is that they wouldn't know if you were or not. Sometime, put something of yours in the bag before you exit to see if they catch it...they won't. You can steal anything you want at these places, as long as it's in your bag or cart and you have a receipt for everything else.
(5) Get someone to cut & trim your lawn. They finish a two hour job in about 20 minutes, you pay them, and after they're gone, you discover that the job either was poorly done or not completed.

I could go on with hundreds of examples of this "slackerdom" attitude in today's employees but that would only bore you. If you're reading my blog, then you are smart enough to know exactly what I'm talking about. The majority of workers today hate their job, hate their boss, go out of their way to do as little as possible, never check their work and bitch about why they're paid so little. In addition to the incompetent worker, we also have the incompetent supervisor (or boss) that got into their position due to the Peter Principle. [For those of you that don't know what Dr. Peter's principle is; it states that we are all capable of rising to our first level of incompetence and will never be fired from that level; however should we advance to our second level of incompetence, we run the risk of being exposed...] so, we try to stay at or below our first level of incompetence and bitch, bitch, bitch.
When people tell me that they're underpaid, I tell them to go get a job where they are paid what they deserve. The truth is that they already are getting overpaid for what they deserve.
Unfortunately, we are in a generation of SLACKERS; raised to make as little a contribution to anything as is possible. It will only get worse before it collapses.
Stop tipping, stop saying "thank You", stop accepting minimal efforts, stop smiling at them...treat these slackers like the props that they are. Part of this slacker problem started at home and in school...they just kept moving them up until they were pushed out into the workforce. I know college and university graduates that can't read well, know no math or science, but can tell you every detail of any character on "The Simpsons" or list all the songs ever made by a particular band, or have reached the 20th level of their favorite video game, but they can't figure out how to make change at the cash register (that's why the registers have to do the work for them and actually print it out).......LOL

OK, now get out there and get some NO SERVICE today...Ta Da


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