Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

Now that we know of some of the losses in property and lives because of hurricane Katrina, it's time to give our support and get our government to help those people.
Have you noticed that whenever a disaster occurs anywhere in the world, the United States is the first (and sometimes the only) one to immediately give aid in the way of money, food, medicine, machinery and materials, personnel, etc. Now that we have suffered a great disaster, where are those other nations ? Not one country has even called to express their concern. Not one country has even asked how they can help.
This is like your neighbors house burning down and you pay to have it rebuilt; but when your house burns down, your neighbor goes on a fishing trip.
We are the SUCKERs of the world.
Let those other countries take care of themselves...those bastards won't help us.
Every year, tens of billions go out worldwide in aid to other countries (whether they need it or not) in disaster assistance and foreign aid. The majority of these countries are our enemies. A perfect example is all the food and money that we give to North Korea each year. They use that money and food to build their army and weapon systems while their population goes hungry. I can give you countless examples but I would run out of space.
Let's do something about this TODAY. Everyone of you reading this, sit down right now and either call or write to your representatives telling them to stop all foreign aid immediately. If the money we give away to other nations was used here at home to help the homeless, the needy, the ill, the unemployed, etc. we could solve these problems very quickly and still have enough left over to pay down our national debt.
It's your hard earned tax dollars leaving the country and going into the pockets of dictators and armies whose sole purpose is the destruction of the United States. Just check out how much of your money will be used to rebuild Iraq, even though they don't need our money. They have a huge amount of oil to sell to the world and rebuild themselves. No nation has ever paid us back for any rebuilding or assistance that we've given them. The only thing that we get in return is the condemnation of those countries.
We are the SUCKERs of the world.
One way to stop this nonsense is to vote out any congressman or senator that approves ANY foreign aid for any reason. Collectively, our voice will be heard; but you must expess your anger to Washington.
If you don't do anything then you are not entitled to anything.
Do something about this TODAY !


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