Sunday, August 28, 2005

Arab practice...

I'm totally amazed at an organization existing called "The Nation of Islam". Although it is mostly made up of thugs in suits and bowties, it is a black islamic organization. How this can be is beyond normal thinking. Every islamic person in the world wants blacks eliminated from the population.
A perfect example of this is what's been taking place in Sudan. Even though the word Sudan is arabic for "land of the blacks", the government supported Janjaweed (all islamic army practicing genocide) have slaughtered over 200,000 blacks and destroyed almost every village in the western province of Darfur (about the size of Texas). The government calls this "purification" or "ethnic cleansing", killing over 7,000 blacks each month. The bottom line is that arabs are using mass extermination (and rape) to practice genocide on black Africans.
Most of the world is letting this happen because interference might seem politically incorrect (and after all, these are people of color). However, this is just a practice drill for eliminating all non-arabs in the world. The overall plan is to heavily populate a country, get a foothold into its government and then eliminate all non-arabs. Have you noticed the influx of muslims to the United States over the past 20 years ?
Can this happen here ? You bet it long as liberals are fighting for the rights of these "animals" whose sole purpose is the destruction of our country and the "ethnic cleansing" of America.
They have this book called the koran that specifically says that it is every muslim's duty to kill all non believers of islam. Read it, you'll see !
The only arab or muslim that you can trust is a dead one. It is coming to the day where you will have to make the decision of either killing them or allowing yourself to be killed by them. When do we do something about this "creeping cancer" in our society and on this earth ? Knowing how the world operates these days with its United Nations and Secutity Councils, nothing will be done until it's too late...and then IT'S TOO LATE !!!
If genocide must be practiced, let it be the extinction of all arabs and muslims. Their numbers are growing at a very fast rate and with their oil money (who do you think makes the "lions share" from every barrel of oil), they get to finance our destruction. In other words, we contribute at the gas pump so they can build mosques to educate their young to destroy us...and that money buys them the weapons and technology to destroy us.
Something must be done before we see more Sudans because if we don't, Europe and America will become victims to this arab practice.
Some of you reading this are saying, "wow, this writer is a bigot". No, I'm not a bigot, I believe in letting everyone live as they wish...until it comes to their not wanting me to live at all. The arab and muslim threat is obvious to me. Just stand back and look at the big picture. This has been in the planning for several generations and is finally starting into its actualization. This threat must be stopped before it gets any bigger.
Every one of us can do something now. Write to your representatives, telling them of your concerns and urging them to do something now. Do not use any services, products or shop at stores that are arab owned or supported. Harass every arab and muslim you see. Don't let your children play or go to school with them. Make this the most uncomfortable place in the world for them. And, should any of them commit a crime against you, shoot them on the spot.
I never had anything against arabs or muslims until several years ago when I traveled to the middle east and saw and heard their evil plans. Then, after hearing that the Oklahoma City bombing was due to muslims teaching Timothy McVey how to make a truck bomb, the first (and failed attempt) at bringing down the Trade Center, the second attempt at actually bringing down the Trade Center, it became obvious that they had started what they said that they would do when I visited many years ago.
In the middle east, every child is taught to NEVER tell the truth unless there is something in it for them. Would you buy a used car from an arab ? I sure wouldn't.
We MUST start to get them to leave America ASAP. As long as one of them is still on our soil, we are in danger.


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