Thursday, August 25, 2005


When I'm profiled, I don't see myself as a "victim of profiling". I'm glad that someone is watching out for the bad guys. Since arabs and other minorities are a huge threat to our property and lives, I welcome profiling. Checking your ID at a bar is profiling and no one seems to mind. When your kids can't get on a ride at Disneyland because their not "this high", you don't complain...Isn't that profiling ?
You only bitch about it when you're singled out. On the surface, profiling, for any reason seems discriminatory; however, you profile all of the time without any guilt. You look at others and profile them as to whether you'll go out with them, let them in your house, hire them, befriend them, etc.
When you "politically correct" bleeding heart liberals finally wake up and see that you have been the victim of non-profiling, it's too late.
I wan't every arab looking person detained, every gang banger looking person hassled, every illegal alien arrested for breaking the law, every redneck searched for drugs, etc. By this happening, our crime rate would rapidly decline and it would be a safer place to live.
There is nothing wrong with having to "show your papers". I must produce various documents when stopped; my drivers license, my weapons permit, my motorcycle license, my social security card, my club membership card, etc.
You are already part of profiling. Either you're doing it or it's being done to you.
Yes it's an inconvenience for everyone but it is a necessary act in order to control crime.
Everyone of you sniveling liberals will come crying after you're a victim of someone that should have been stopped because of what they looked like, and they weren't.
You know what most of the bad guys look like. Just drive down the street and you'll start profiling. You are a hypocrite or one of the bad guys if you're against profiling. We no longer live in a world where your community was just a few hundred people and you could take someone's word or consummate a deal with a handshake. Some of those that are being profiled are the reason and cause of it in the first place.
To be against it means that you look like a member of a dangerous group. If you aren't, then change your look and become someone that's respected. Yes, you can't get rid of the color of your skin or your accent, but you can dress respectably, refine your walk, your expressions, your hair, etc.
I know, I sound like a bigot...I'm not. I get profiled a lot. That's fine with me. It has never gotten me arrested because after I'm profiled, they realize that I'm one of the good guys.
So, profiling is here to stay.....if you have a problem with that; GET OVER IT !


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