Wednesday, August 31, 2005


In the wake of hurricane Katrina, several gulf coast areas have been destroyed leaving thousands homeless and their only possessions are what they could take with them.
However, while everyone was going for "the high ground"; the instant that the hurricane was downgraded, the looting started. Of course, most of the looters were minorities, as is expected. What I'm most shocked at is that even the New Orleans police became looters. There are pictures of them cleaning out a Target store of guns, DVD players, flat screen TVs, etc.
Now when the police that are supposed to protect and serve the community become the "bad guys", what can one do ?
Fortunately for them, this is taking place in Louisiana and Mississippi. If they tried that in neighboring states such as Florida or Texas, there's a "shoot to kill" law in those states that let's one protect property with lethal force.
A few years ago, a twister came through some towns in Texas and no one dared loot as they all knew that they'd be shot and killed. I'm not advocating that we all arm ourselves and blow away anyone that we suspect of touching our stuff; but just the idea of it can be a great deterrent. I'm caught between the notion that no property is worth a human life and that of protecting my possessions any way I can. I guess that when I'm faced with that situation, I'll make a decision and act accordingly. Anyone want to gamble on my choice ?
I can understand people stealing food and medicines during such an emergency, but stealing guns and consumer electronics is outright LOOTING and deserves quick and severe penalties.
If you're one of the looters reading this, c'mon over to my house (heh, heh, heh). In my neighborhood, we are all looking out for one another and should anyone try to steal from or harm any of us, ALL of the neighbors will do what is necessary. Can you guess what that would be ?
LOOTING IS A FELONY. You have no right to take another persons property without due process of law. Anyone caught looting, usually ends up going to prison for quite a while. Looting is a crime that's right up there with arson and bank robbery. That's why some states have a "shoot to kill" law. Once a looter enters your property he (or she) is in the commission of a crime including them running away with your things. SHOOT TO KILL. It's alright and you will be understood and forgiven for your action. Even in states like California where you cannot protect property with lethal force, shoot to kill, the jury will acquit you in the blink of an eye and you will be a hero.
Or, you can "wimp out" and let anyone take anything of yours that they want. So, whatcha gonna do ?


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