Monday, June 29, 2009

Some more insight...

A lot of us have been wondering why Obama was pushing so hard for Congress to vote for his Climate Control legislation by last week.
Well, now the truth comes out...
Over the weekend, reports from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that were suppressed by Obama himself came out. In an exclusive to CBS, one of the scientists at the EPA came forward as a "whistle blower". Apparently, the EPA was told not to release any research that conflicted with anything that the President was espousing regarding global warming due to CO2 emissions. These suppressed reports clearly show that the temperatures today are about the same as during the 1920's. They also show the increase in the height of the polar caps and even suggest that the earth is actually cooling slightly.
The 1,000 page legislation package (that no one has read) includes sections that would put a 100% tax on all products imported from any countries that didn't have the same provisions as the United States for reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
Obama said that he was against that but would not veto it (more of his "double speak").
This bill not only increases the price of all goods and services but looses 2.1 jobs for every "green" job that it creates. It also expands government with several new agencies and restricts our lifestyles even more.
The EPA report scientifically disproves all of the lies that Gore and others have been telling us.
Obviously, the EPA employee that has come forward with the real data that the EPA was ordered to suppress, is going to have his life made miserable. Anyone going against Obama and his administration is subject to being "destroyed". Obama is ruling by fear...that is why so many representatives changed their vote after Obama called (and threatened) them to vote FOR it.
How many more things that screw you have to be instigated by Obama before you get off your ass and do something about this man that is becomes the worst President we've ever had and has shown us that he is inept at running or managing any organization, let alone our country.
WAKE UP before your money is gone, your freedom is gone and your country is gone !!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Where does it stop ???

Again, we have the Obama/ Pelosi uninformed political machine at work. Obama is making every effort to PUSH the U.S. Climate Bill through before anyone can read the 1,000+ pages of this bill.
If one had the time and inclination to look through it, they would find that over 900 pages of it are loaded with "pork barrel projects" that have nothing to do with the bill itself.
The Democrats were told to add whatever they wanted to this bill so it would get their votes.
Let's look at some facts;
(1) No one has read the entire 1,000+ page bill and yet the Democrats are ready to vote for it. What's wrong with that picture ?
(2)Other countries that have (or had) a climate bill, had only 10-15 pages for their bills.
(3) Starting with Australia and continuing throughout the European Union, every country that has (or had) a climate bill has either rescinded it since or is in the process of doing so after they saw the error of such a bill.
(4) It is a massive tax on all consumers and producers with no return benefits.
(5) True, it will create thousands of new jobs; however, the labor department says that for every new job created, 2.1 jobs will be lost.
(6) Even if it would actually clean up the environment (and it won't), we will be the only country doing this. Do we expect that we alone can clean up the air for the entire planet ? We know how arrogant Obama is, but this is the height of it.
(7) Everything from water, to food, to fuel, to power, to farm supplies, to raw materials, etc., etc., etc. will cost a lot more. In today's struggling economy, that's just what is needed...our cost of living to substantially increase.
Even though Obama hasn't a clue about running a country (or any organization for that matter), he certainly has the aptitude for destroying a nation (piece by piece) so that no one will notice until too much is gone. So far he has reneged on his campaign promises, has only created jobs in Washington (nowhere else), destroyed several industries (banking, automotive, etc.) and now has his claws out for the insurance industry. Further down on his list of industries to destroy are transportation, farming, investing...
The overall goal is to have the government control every facet of our lives and shift any wealth from the producers of that wealth to the non-producers.
I bet you still think that Obama is the messiah. You'll love him as he leads you into poverty and eventually you won't even notice that you're a slave of the state because your shackles will be monetary, not metal chains.
Sit back, say nothing, vote for those that are already ruining you. However, when you finally do (if ever) wake up, don't come sniveling to me for your ignorance, stupidity and laziness. Just bow to your new master.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Freedom of speech

Tonight, Obama is putting on an infomercial on television during primetime to con the public into accepting his impractical health care plan. This is a rehearsed event and staged to give the illusion that all of the questions and replies are "spur of the moment".
At first glance, I see nothing wrong with our President orchestrating a "town meeting" to get his point across. However, when one looks closer, this is what we find.
During this infomercial, the networks carrying this event have been instructed to NOT allow anyone with an opposing opinion to buy TV time. ABC (owned by Disney) has already denied several conservative groups from buying one minute commercials that tell the consequences of enacting Obama's plan.
Now that Obama controls the banks, the car companies, part of the insurance industry, etc.; he now wants to control our health care. Looking even further into this administration's aspirations, we find that they completely control what is allowed and what's NOT allowed to be printed in our newspapers and what is discussed on our television stations.
I thought that the Constitution gave us the freedom to express opinions for either side of a controversy. I never thought that the Constitution left out the specific that"it didn't apply in the case of Obama".
Well, now I'm really restricted to knowing what's going on as my newspapers and TV news are only giving me information that is approved by Obama. When does he take over the Internet ?
When does he step up and announce that the Constitution is now void ? When does he make a Presidential Order declaring himself as Dictator ?
I warned you, but you still believed his lies and voted for this guy...............very stupid move on your part. You were too lazy to seek out the truth. The truth is that he hasn't a clue about running this country and is best qualified as being a community organizer thug in Chicago politics. Now, how much more of your country, your lifestyle, your income, your cost of living, your freedoms have to be taken before you do something ? Even though you think that you're helpless, you really have the power to stop "Obama the Clueless", "Obama the Devastator", "Obama the Messiah" and eventually "Emperor Obama".

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Honesty & Transparency

Obama is a lieing thug and nothing more..............................

WASHINGTON – The Obama administration is declining to release documents that would identify visitors to the White House, embracing a legal position taken by the Bush administration, according to a watchdog group that filed a federal lawsuit over access to the records.

The group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, filed its lawsuit after being denied access to Secret Service records, including White House entry and exit logs, that would identify coal and energy industry visitors.

The government's refusal to release the records contrasts with President Barack Obama's pledge of transparency.

The Secret Service also turned aside a request by for the names of all White House visitors since Jan. 20.


When asked about why he isn't releasing these public records, Obama said, "I didn't allow it in Chicago and I won't allow it here". Chicago thug politics...

When asked why he hasn't keeping any of his campaign promises, Obama answered, "People really don't believe the promises you make during a campaign".

Are you still believing in this egomaniac ? Do you still worship at his feet ? Are you really this stupid ??? By now, everyone (with more than half of a brain) realizes that he is clueless in how to run anything in government or business. He's nothing but a puppet of the Democratic party special interests. He is certainly not acting as the President of this great nation should act. Even the worst of our Presidents (you decide who) conducted himself more responsibly to the people. His agenda has nothing to do with making America a better place...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hate Crimes

Interestingly, during the Clinton years, hat crimes and new hate organizations doubled in number and little to nothing was done about it. During the Bush years, a task force was set up to curtail this growth and the number of hate crimes and organizations actually decreased.
Now, under the Obama administration, the number of hate organizations has tripled in just the first six months of this year.
Just recently, a Doctor was murdered for performing abortions...a hate crime against women. How can a "right to life" person then kill in the same mode ?
At a recruitment center, two GIs were shot by a muslim as a protest to the middle east military action. Yet we're releasing terrorists in this country when their prosecution slips through legal loopholes.
At the Holocaust Museum, a white supremacist murdered people because he claimed the holocaust was a hoax.
Apparently, this administration is condoning thee actions as not one word has been uttered by anyone from Obama down, regarding hate crimes or hate organizations.
If you go to the Internet, you'll find hundreds of sites promoting hate against other Americans.
Sure, I'm against illegal aliens and muslims, but I don't subscribe to being politically correct and use my freedom of speech to air my grievances...I do not belong to, nor ever will join an group that thinks the solution to our discontent would be violence.
The reason that I am prejudiced against illegal aliens is because they are breaking the law, breaking our economy and dividing our country. The reason that I'm against muslims is not because of any religious prejudice; it's because I've read their koran and spoken with many of them over many years, and know that they are hell bent on killing all Americans. They say that islam is a "religion of tolerance"...that's bullshit. They only tolerate strict adherence to their rules.
So, why is the Obama administration doing anything about these hate groups ??? Because it's politically incorrect to say a word against them. This is just another "nail in the coffin" of our freedoms that the liberals left has put in the way of America. Just try it; go out there and voice your anger about illegals or muslim terrorists, and every liberal within a mile will attack you (some even with violence).
Remember, hate groups have an agenda that they're willing to go to jail for. You on the other hand are so afraid of being politically incorrect that you will let them grow and expand until you personally become threatened...then it will be too late.
Contact your representatives to do something about prosecuting these hate groups or become a victim (directly or indirectly) of them.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Job Creation

Aha, Obama has found a new way of creating jobs (besides expanding gov't by creating new departments).
We now have a new industry...bringing foreign prisoners of war to be put on trial (using our legal system rather than a military tribunal) and jailed in the United States.
Of course, these war criminals that only want us all dead will be treated with every kindness and courtesy available. Better yet, if they are not convicted, they will be released to live (and plot) in our country.
Just when you thought that "Outsourcing" meant jobs going overseas, we've redefined it...
On the other hand, we only handle criminals that commit heinous crimes with this same courtesy and gentle coddling. For petty crimes, don't expect the same treatment.
As an example, a pregnant woman was kicked and beaten by IRS agents trying to locate her boyfriend that hadn't filed his taxes for the past three years. Another example was the 72 year old woman in Texas that was pushed and tazered because she refused to sign a speeding ticket.
I guess that the message is if you're going to break any laws, make sure it's unconscionable and most of all, that it be huge. Serial killers, abortion clinic bombers, terrorists, etc. get 1st class treatment. But, don't you dare try jaywalking as you could end up in the hospital and imprisoned for the rest of your life.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Digital Television

This Friday, June 12th, 2009 is the day that all television stations must switch over to sending a digital signal and discontinue sending an analog signal. The New York Times survey of which cities were most prepared for this switchover showed that Austin, Texas (the most wired city in the country) was the 3rd LEAST prepared.
Newsweek magazine took this research a step further and came up with the following:
The top 25 cities with the least amount of preparedness for the switchover also had several other things in common. They all ranked as the highest in homeless (per capita), the most liberal, the least amount of registered voters (per capita), the most debt/ population ratio, the most amount of grants for the "arts", the largest amount of maintained public parks and other facilities, the most amount of people receiving some gov't. program aid (per capita), the most amount of "concerned citizens" not willing to participate in the system and of course were primarily largely Democratic cities.
The Obama administration could learn a lesson from this as to just another reason that his stimulus plan will not make any difference. The lesson is; that if you keep giving people something for nothing or require them to do anything, they will do nothing but just wait for the next "freebie".
In the top 10 cities that are not ready for digital TV, those cities have programs to give away FREE decoders to those that will not buy them.
I guess that Kennedy's phrase, "Ask not what your country can do for you...Ask what you can do for your country." is long forgotten. It's been modified to fit the Obama administration as, "...don't even ask what your country can do for you; it will take care of your needs if you're unwilling to do so yourself".
Well, enjoy your new digital picture...even though you have to put up with occasional pixilation (those little squares and breakup), the picture is much clearer.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Speech in Egypt...

In furthering his (Obama's) agenda, Obama gave what seemed as a brilliant speech in Egypt.
[In a future Blog, I'll give you the details of Obama's real agenda]
To the average person, his speech appeared as an attempt to make relations between the Arab nations and the United States more amiable.
After reading and re-reading his speech, and looking "between the lines", most of the "think tanks" have come to a consensus. Obama has scared to Arab world into uniting against Iran by not condemning their nuclear weapon program but instead even (subtly) encouraging it. He never mentioned that even China and Russia were against it.
This was obviously a subliminal attempt to give Israel the "go ahead" to attack Iran and not have other Arab nations interfere. This way, the United States can be "the good guys" by not having to attack another muslim nation and letting Israel do the "dirty work". Therefore, the United States gets it's way without being blamed.
As far as his mention of a Palestinian state existing along with Israel...what he neglected to mention was that on many occasions, Israel has proposed that the Palestinians have their own state and in every case the Palestinians have rejected it because it also specified that Israel could be recognized also.
By now, the whole world is aware that a great war will soon break out in the middle east and everyone is scrambling to "pick sides". Of course everyone wants to (1) control all of the oil in Iran, (2) be on the side of the "winner", and most importantly (3) see the elimination of Israel.
This of course is the slimey way that Chicago politics is practised. It's a game (Eric Berne's book "Games People Play") called "Let's You & Him Fight".
Of course, by Obama going to Egypt and making his speech did nothing at all in cementing relations between the United States and the Arab was merely "for show" and to speed up hostilities towards Iran. By saying that "...the United States is a muslim nation" was an absurdity and the entire Arab world laughed at Obama over that.
Just as he's destroying our economy, he's now helping to destroy other parts of the world. Apparently, he knows that he "has the power" and is unstoppable (at this point) in his goal of becoming King or Dictator of the Americas. [More on that later]
Sit back and "watch the movie" as Obama manipulates everyone, here and abroad into the New World Order.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Affirmative Action

I've been a big fan of affirmative action at its inception. I thought that it was great to help minorities (primarily blacks and women) to get an education or a better paying job. On the surface, the system appeared to be working well.
Now we find out (years later) what a waste of time and money it truly is. Of those that took advantage of the educational programs, less than 9.7% ever graduated (gov't. figures) and worse yet are the governments figures on the percentage (3.6%) of qualified employees that were hired because of affirmative action still on the job. Today, less than 1% of employees that were hired because of affirmative action, remain employed at the jobs they got.
From what I've observed; in the schools, when the grants were used up (buying new cars and fancy clothes & jewelry) students then dropped out. This can be confirmed at any college or university in the country.
In the workplace, those hired were either incompetent or "on the job" just for the benefits such as free medical insurance, paid time off, etc. When it came time to fire them because they couldn't (or refused to) learn the job, a legal hassle started for the employer. I myself have heard some say, "they can't fire me because I'm a minority and protected by Federal Law".
True, some really benefited, such as Sonia Sotomayor. However this is the exception to the rule and not typical. Although she and the others like her were taught to "rub our noses in it" by telling us, every chance they have, how they came up from dire circumstances. What about the rest of us that didn't qualify for affirmative action ? Didn't a lot of us come up from dire circumstances ? Some of the greatest people of this country, rose from dire circumstances without affirmative action, without grants, without student loans, etc. Look at the backgrounds of Kaiser, Ford, Mellon...and the list goes on.
The true minority in the workplace are white males over 40 years old. A black, an Hispanic, a woman or a slightly handicapped person under 35 stands a much better chance even if the white male is better qualified.
That statement sure sounds like bigotry. Actually it's Reverse Discrimination. Affirmative action was supposed to eliminate discrimination in either direction.
I congratulate all of you that have bettered your lives and incomes because of affirmative action...kudos to you. The rest of you phonies; thanks for ripping us all off by wasting our time, our money and our good intentions.

History repeats

It's been said that "history repeats itself". Have you noticed the beginnings of history repeating itself when looking at what happened in Argentina with Juan Peron ?
Now let's look at what happened there...
In 1939, Peron went to Italy to study socialism under Benito Mussolini (the dictator of Italy). In 1946, Peron was elected as President of Argentina by 2/3 of the vote. Over half of those votes were from either dead people or people that never existed. This is similar to the popular vote for Obama.
In 1949, Peron created a new Constitution that permitted the President to be elected for life. When will Obama do this ?
In 1953, Peron started his dismantling of Argentina's industrial complex and nationalization of the banks. Does this sound familiar ? Is Obama following Peron's "playbook starting with the banks and now the takeover of the automotive industry ?
Peron started national health care that was not only extremely costly but of the poorest quality, at best.
By 1956, inflation in Argentina was rising by 34% a year. Eventually Argentina's inflation rate reached over 4,200% a year. Prices of goods were changed daily as this inflation kept going up.
We too have rising inflation to look forward to under this present regime.
Like Obama's Congress being primarily Democrats, Peron's Congress was primarily his party too. By 1972, Peron was no longer President but had become Dictator of Argentina and anyone that spoke up against him was exterminated (along with their friends and family).
Peron's death and the ouster of Eva finally turned Argentina around.
Notice Obama moving us in the same direction ? At what point do you start to do something to stop Obama's "creeping socialism" ? Do you need to have every industry taken over and rampant inflation before you realize that you've "been had" by this egomaniacal President that you helped elect. He really didn't need your vote as ACORN had assured his election if no one went to the voting booths.
Listen to his speeches....he rarely says "we will..." or "Congress will..." ; it's always "I will", "I will", "I will"...
Don't let us become another Argentina.................PLEASE !!!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

What to believe ???

It was during his (Obama's) campaign that he "assured us that he had no muslim ties. The gov't. controlled press convinced Americans that this was true. However, the rest of the world already knew that his father was a muslim and that "Barry" Obama went to a madrasa for education.
Now, Obama goes to Saudi Arabia to "bolster" relations with the muslim world and seek council from the King of Saudi Arabia.
So, one of the first things that Obama does is to lie again...he makes a speech saying that America is a muslim nation. The truth is that the United States was actually founded by Christians and its majority population is Christian. Muslims only account for 1.2% of the nation's entire population. [In my opinion, that's 1.2 % too many.....]
When I listen to the news or read the newspapers in this country, they all express the same sentiment; that the muslim world is accepting Obama as a ray of hope in accepting muslims as peace loving people. However, when I watch Al Jezzera and other muslim networks, they all show muslims rolling on their sides in laughter at what a "lieing snake" (their words, not mine) that Obama is.
As an example of how two faced Obama is...he says that he's against abortion, yet he's Okayed a multi-billion dollar grant (out of stimulus money) to Mexico to support abortion clinics there.
Those of you that are still fooled by his charm and charisma are really stupid if you haven't caught on by now. Just wait until he gives you a national medical plan. It will not only cost YOU but will control everything that you do. As an example, if you drink Coca Cola, then your diabetes will not be covered; if you drive a car, then your injury in an auto accident will not be covered, etc., etc., etc. Under his proposed health insurance plan, the government will have control over every aspect of your life. You don't have to believe me...just ask your Senators or Representatives. If they don't lie to you (as politicians are supposed to), then they'll verify the above.
Besides all of the illegals and dead people that voted for Obama, the rest of you that did so, did it without even doing your due diligence to find out who this person really was. Therefore you deserve what you're going to get from him.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Gathering facts...

In most of these blogs, I usually write about one subject and seem to focus on just that. What I did today, was to stand back and look at the "big picture" and gather the facts of what the real truth is about what's happening to our country.
Let's start with GM (Gov't. Motors). We've all been told that GM was killed but UAW contracts. Although some of the provisions in those contracts were a little excessive, what really killed our automotive industry was government meddling and putting restrictions on American companies that the foreign manufacturers didn't have. This is why the U.S.A. was no longer competitive and the auto market was overtaken by the foreign car makers.
Now that our government has been instrumental in the demise of one of our largest industries, they have decided to do something about it. GM is being sliced up as follows:
For $30.1 billion, the United States owns 60.8%
For $9.5 billion, Canada owns 11.7%
For concessions in their contracts, the UAW owns 17.5%
and the remaining 10% is owned by creditors.
So, what's the bottom line to all of this ? It's that Obama is now the CEO and Chairman of Gov't. Motors and will force the company to build tiny, dangerous cars that no one will want.
Don't you just love it when our government gets into our business ? Look what they did for the banks...there are more bank failures this year than in any previous year since the '30s.
More companies are shutting down and relocating abroad because of the overbearing restrictions and taxes being imposed on them.
In anticipation of the new "rules" for credit card companies, your credit card has had its maximum credit lowered and your interest rate raised.
Insurance will be the next industry to fall victim to this administration with a "health care" plan that will cost everyone huge sums of money.
As far as job creation goes...the only jobs being created is the expanding government. Little by little (although on a daily basis), this administration is taking over our country, our freedom and our money.
Obama has asked us to sacrifice for the next generation. Why ? He's already caused the next generation to be born broke and in debt.
He says that we should sit down and "talk" with N, Korea, Al Quada, Iran, etc. Why ? Both Clinton and Bush have tried and have been laughed at while the only thing that's been accomplished is that our enemies have been given more time and money to become stronger,
Obama is playing a game of 3 Card Monty with distract our attention from what's really going on. One day we're focused on torture of people that want to kill us, the next day it's a bigot for the Supreme Court, the next day it's Pelosi lieing to us,and so on... not to mention the denial to states that want to clear their voter rolls of illegal and dead voters. Since ACORN was so instrumental in signing up these illegal voters (some small towns had more votes cast for Obama than the entire population of the town), ACORN has just been awarded a $5 billion grant to prepare for Obama's "reelection" in 2012.
I haven't even gotten to the hundreds of violations of our Constitution that this administration has already done.
When all of the "smoke clears", you'll wake up one day to find that if you do have a job, that it is in a government own and run company; that your savings have disappeared; that you are forced to be subject to an inadequate and failing health care system and that everything that you've worked for (your retirement, your home, your children's education and your freedom) are gone.
Aren't you scared enough yet ? Why are you letting Obama ruin this country and your future ?