Wednesday, June 03, 2009

What to believe ???

It was during his (Obama's) campaign that he "assured us that he had no muslim ties. The gov't. controlled press convinced Americans that this was true. However, the rest of the world already knew that his father was a muslim and that "Barry" Obama went to a madrasa for education.
Now, Obama goes to Saudi Arabia to "bolster" relations with the muslim world and seek council from the King of Saudi Arabia.
So, one of the first things that Obama does is to lie again...he makes a speech saying that America is a muslim nation. The truth is that the United States was actually founded by Christians and its majority population is Christian. Muslims only account for 1.2% of the nation's entire population. [In my opinion, that's 1.2 % too many.....]
When I listen to the news or read the newspapers in this country, they all express the same sentiment; that the muslim world is accepting Obama as a ray of hope in accepting muslims as peace loving people. However, when I watch Al Jezzera and other muslim networks, they all show muslims rolling on their sides in laughter at what a "lieing snake" (their words, not mine) that Obama is.
As an example of how two faced Obama is...he says that he's against abortion, yet he's Okayed a multi-billion dollar grant (out of stimulus money) to Mexico to support abortion clinics there.
Those of you that are still fooled by his charm and charisma are really stupid if you haven't caught on by now. Just wait until he gives you a national medical plan. It will not only cost YOU but will control everything that you do. As an example, if you drink Coca Cola, then your diabetes will not be covered; if you drive a car, then your injury in an auto accident will not be covered, etc., etc., etc. Under his proposed health insurance plan, the government will have control over every aspect of your life. You don't have to believe me...just ask your Senators or Representatives. If they don't lie to you (as politicians are supposed to), then they'll verify the above.
Besides all of the illegals and dead people that voted for Obama, the rest of you that did so, did it without even doing your due diligence to find out who this person really was. Therefore you deserve what you're going to get from him.


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