Thursday, May 28, 2009


After yesterday's ( 5-26-09) posting of my blog about Sonia Sotomayor, I received many e-mails from my readers as to the errors in this blog.
First of all, I misspelled the name of her country of should be Puerto Rico.
Second was that I said that she was a "radical right winger" error. She is a radical LEFT winger.
I do thank you all for catching my mistakes and informing me as quickly as you did.........THANK YOU !
I have no excuse or explanation for this other than I must have been somewhat distracted when I wrote that blog.
But, you all got the message. Sotomayor has said (in her own words) that she believes in legislating (making law) from the bench and not being bound by the law or the Constitution in making her rulings. Is that what a Supreme Court judge is supposed to do ? No; they are ONLY there to see how the Constitution applies to an individual case and rule accordingly. She will not; thus destroying our Constitution and rendering it to being merely an historical document without any meaning.


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