Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Credit Cards & Guns...

In their infinite wisdom, Congress has done it again. Under the "leadership" of Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) Congress has passed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure (or CARD) Act which puts some reasonable restrictions on credit card issuers. On the surface, this appears to be helpful to the users of credit cards and is easily passable.
However, if you read the last part of this Act, you'll find that it contains language (and law) permitting citizens to carry loaded guns into National Parks.
What do credit cards have to do with guns ???
This is just an example of how SNEAKY your representatives are in adding their "pet projects" to legislation.
The real problem is the effect that the credit card companies will impose on their very best customers. Not being satisfied with the 4-6% that they charge the merchant, they also charge interest on unpaid balances of the user of the credit card. Obviously, they aren't making enough money. In truth, the credit card companies are making huge profits in spite of the bad customers.
With the passage of this Credit Card Reform Bill, the credit card companies will now take revenge on their best customers. They will now charge annual fees for the privilege of charging interest from the day of purchase as well as removing all incentives and perks for using the credit card. This means that by penalizing their best customers, they will force them into using cash once again and only their very worst customers will continue to use (and abuse) their credit cards.
Notice that everything that our gov't does, is done without thinking out the consequences of their actions. Just another example of gov't. meddling in order to destroy another industry.
Of course, I'm for the credit card companies charging reasonable interest and making a reasonable profit. I'm also in favor of citizens being allowed to bear arms. However, this Bill is ridiculous and was not thought out. In addition, Obama will sign it into law so that he can say that:
(1) He's helping the poor consumer, and
(2) He's not for gun control
Both are lies as he's hurting the consumer that pays their bills; and he's certainly wanting to take away everyone's guns.
At first, I thought this was a joke...but in reality those that we've elected are making decisions for us that only a five year old might do. You put these people in control of your incomes, lives, lifestyles and fool.


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