Sunday, April 12, 2009


After all these months of my disapproval of President Obama, he's finally done something right.Although it took him five days to make a decision, he finally allowed our more than adequate Navy to rescue the Captain of the pirated ship.
He disgusted me when he bad-mouthed the United States in an effort to have those other countries officials "like him" while on his "photo-op" tour of Europe. I really was outraged when he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia. With all his hand shaking and speeches, he accomplished nothing but just good public relations for himself (but not his country).
His call for giving up nuclear weapons is also absurd. Since the end of WWII, it's been nuclear weapons that has kept the world from constantly being at war.
To show how little respect Obama has gotten for our country; now that the Captain is rescued, the European Union is condemning us for killing three pirates in order to rescue just one man. They are also screaming about the civil rights of the captured pirate.
So, in Obama's "plus column", he finally has scored one. He allowed our Navy to do its job. The problem now is that the world will expect our Navy to protect all of their ships as they see no reason to muster the manpower and resources being that the United States is known to do every other counties dirty work for no charge.
How long do we have to wait until he scores another in the "plus column" ? He has scored hundreds of anti-U.S. points in the "minus column". Maybe this single incident will keep his approval ratings from sliding (as more people see how inept he really is).


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