Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Another Federal Scam

The more I find out about Obama's "porkulous package" the more surprised I become.
So far, not one job has been created in the private sector and unemployment keeps climbing. I have no doubt that it will have to reach over 20% before the public will revolt.
A huge amount of money (hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars) have been given to bail out foreign banks in England, Germany, Spain, Italy and France (Barcley's, USB, Deutschebank, etc.).

In the meantime, in this country there is a merger going on between the State and Corporations.
By the way, the definition of Fascism is the merger of State and Corporate power.

It gets even worse; it's been covered up until now, but the New York banks (CITI, Bank of America, Wachovia, JP Morgan Chase and Bank of New York Mellon) have been funding the Iranian nuclear program through a Chinese company (Limmt) with some of their bailout money.

In order for the gov't. to take in more money, Congress is already looking at ways to raise taxes. One of the things that have been discussed this week has been the elimination of interest on mortgages. That would totally kill an already ailing Real Estate market and take away an incentive for some home owners and buyers.
In addition, under the "new" banking regulations as set forth by the Federal Reserve the banks that hold those "toxic assets" can now revalue them higher before they have to sell them to the gov't. This is a huge SCAM. I've always been told to "follow the money" whenever something didn't seem right. Well, it looks like your Congress and the banks are the profiteers in this case.

How much of this economy has to be raped and given to unscrupulous politicians, bankers and foreign countries (including our enemies) before you start screaming about it ? Just look at the Foreign Aid part of the budget that Obama just signed...we're giving foreign aid to Saudi Arabia, No. Korea, China, Iran, etc. What's wrong with that picture ?
No matter, you'll just sit back and let your country, your lifestyle, your savings and investments, your future, your children's future and even your grandchildren's future go down the toilet so a few Congressmen and bankers can become trillionaires.

Everyone in government (from your local crossing guard to the President of the United States needs to be replaced immediately, and our Constitution needs to be adhered to. Almost every part of the Constitution is being violated by the gov't.


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