Tuesday, April 07, 2009

History repeats

In watching Obama's "world tour" and listening to what he's saying, there is no wonder why all of those foreign leaders "love this guy".
He's saying that the U.S. should lead the world in getting rid of their nuclear weapons. He wants to get rid of all of our nuclear weapons in order to set an example that he "hopes" others will follow. Putin (Russia, Hu Jintao (China), Ali Khamenei (Iran) and of course, Kim Jong Il (No. Korea) are all rolling on the floor with laughter. How naive is Obama ? Does he think those other countries will give up the greatest weapons that they have because the U.S. did ???
This reminded me of when Neville Chamberlin (Great Britain) had talks with Hitler (Germany) and was persuaded to scale back the British military. Remember what happened next...Hitler attacked Great Britain.
As we all know, Democrats have always gone for increasing taxes and cutting back on military. Now we have a Democrat in the white house and a majority of Democrats in the Congress. What will happen next ? You do the math.
Isn't it bad enough that between China and Saudi Arabia, they own over 90% of the U.S. debt ? Now if we cut back our military and get rid of our nuclear arsenal, we become "sitting ducks" for both economic disaster as well as military invasion.
Is this administration "giving away the farm" ? All the money that has been thrown away and the only job creation has been Obama's advisors. Do you still believe in his "porkulous package"? Do you still believe in "hope" ? Do you really think that with Obama (and the Democrats) things are going to get better ? If you believe any of these things you're either dumb or stupid.
Sure, Obama promised "change". His interpretation of that word is that all Americans will be left with is pocket change as the country will then be ripe to dissolve Democracy and install either Socialism or a Dictatorship.
You voted...it's your fault ! Wotcha gonna do about it now ???


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