Sunday, March 29, 2009


HOW DARE HE ??? How dare Obama use "Chicago style politics" in Washington !
Blackmailing General Motors Corp. for the CEO to resign immediately in order to get the government to keep them afloat for two more months is unconscionable.
This thug (Obama) will continue to use blackmail, extortion and economics threats to dictate who, how and what a company may continue to do business.
First he told the banks how to do business, then he told AIG how much to pay it's leaders, now he threatens GM that if the CEO doesn't resign, there will be no more money for them.
Is this how the thug from Chicago is going to take over America; company by company, using taxpayer dollars ?
When will you be out of work because of this tyrant ? When will he dictate how your company will function ? When will America wake up ?
How far are you willing to let this thug ruin everything that America has built ? Since it has become obvious that his "porkulous package" is not going produce any stimulus to the economy, he now must resort to extortion and blackmail. What's his next step; having FBI agents beat us up if we don't give into his ill thought out schemes ?
Since his inauguration, his popularity has fallen from 88% to 56% as more of us are catching on to the fact that Obama does not have this country's interests at heart. He is only interested in promoting the agenda of his handlers (those four obscene democrats).
How dare he be allowed to continue operating this way ? How dare you let him ?
What does he have to do before you realize that he's thrown away our Constitution and your freedoms and rights ? Do you need troops on your street telling you where you must be and when ? Do you need to see his picture on your money ? Do you need for him to set prices and values on your possessions and necessities ? What do you need in order to wake up and do something ?
The less you do, the worse it will get...and if you wait long enough, there will be no turning back as the United States of America, it's Constitution and all that made this country great becomes just a paragraph in some obscure history book.
Under this present administration we are doomed.


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