Thursday, March 19, 2009

Two topics 2day

Topic #1
I don't know how many of you heard Obama's speech in Costa Mesa, Calif. yesterday. In it he called for illegal immigration (amnesty) for illegal aliens if they would "join a union".
First of all, it was the union (UAW) that broke the auto industry. Second is the fact that we will no longer have a real border as anyone will be able to come into the United States and be given a legal status.
Every person born in this country and every person that has "paid their dues" to become a citizen should be outraged by our President making such a statement. Remember, you fools voted for this guy.

Topic #2
I don't know why Congress is screaming about the bonuses being paid by companies (73 to date) that have received taxpayer "bailout" money. The "porkulus" bill that was signed by Obama has exact wording in it (insisted upon by Pelosi, Reed and Barney) that the bonuses be grandfathered. All of the Democrats and three Republicans in Congress voted for it.
The reason that Congress is screaming is to divert anyone from calling for a true investigation of the part that specific members of Congress played in this. If those representatives that are responsible for the banking problem, the housing problem, the brokerage house failures, the auto industry failure, the AIG problem, etc. were to be investigated and then prosecuted for failure to uphold their oath to uphold our Constitution (plus whatever "kickbacks" they got), more than half of Congress would be put in prison.
Of course, it takes no effort at all to just say, "It was the Bush administration". Can't you see what's going on ? You're being blinded by the "smoke & mirrors" that the Democrats are fooling you with. Don't you remember when I pleaded with you to vote out every member of Congress ? Now you are starting to see the consequences of your ignorance.

How dare Congress even consider making a special tax for bonuses paid by companies that were "forced" to take taxpayer money. Yes, most of the companies are already starting to give it back. The "porkulus package" is a farce.
By now, we're all starting to see that Obama has no executive experience whatsoever and is being run by certain members of the House of Representatives. Is Obama the President or is Pelosi ? Either way, their agenda is to stop democracy and replace it with socialism.
What outrage will Congress do next ???


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