Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It should be clear now...

Although our attention to fraudulent practices has been diverted to Bernard Madoff who bilked $50 billion from investors with his "ponzi scheme", Congress was forced to put on a show to pacify the American public about where their $350 billion went (to the banks).
Today, the CEOs of the nations leading banks were called before a Congressional Committee to account for the TARP money given to them.
I watched these hearings and my suspicions were finally confirmed. At no time were any of these bankers asked directly, "What did you do with the money" ? Instead, they were asked about cancelled contracts for jets, cancelled bonuses, $1/ year salaries, etc. It was a great show and at times I though I was watching a movie written by Hollywood's best writers.
In reality, Congress was covering their asses (Frank, Reed, Pelosi, etc.) as it became very apparent from the questions and answers that some of our Representatives were in on this scheme too.
After an entire day of questioning (very selected), not one person has accounted for a single cent of the taxpayer money given to them.
Last week, Wells Fargo fessed up to using some of the money to buy another bank (Wachovia).
However, not one cent has been used for loans as was originally "intended". Some of the banks bought Treasury Bills with the money and collected income from that. Still, no one knows exactly where our $350 billion is. Now the banks want another $trillion to "bail them out".
Don't you get it ? Those people that you elected to represent you see the "ship sinking" (our government failing) and are taking this last opportunity to line their pockets and off-shore accounts before the public figures it out.
Just look at the farce that Obama is pulling; going to poor cities to try to "sell" his "stimulus plan" to people that have no say in it. Shouldn't our President be in Washington trying to convince Congress ? Since some of our Congress sees that only 4% of the "stimulus plan" actually goes for helping the economy, they're having a hard time justifying voting for it.
So, there you have it...a corrupt Congress and a puppet President. And, all you fools are still bowing down to your "savior" Obama...
I'll truly be amazed if this "stimulus plan" doesn't throw the world into a major depression. And, as history has taught us, the only way out of a depression is a world war. War always stimulates an economy.
We must get rid of those Representatives, those Senators and even the occupants of our White House and go back to what our Constitution intended.
You've been scammed and don't even know it because you're too lazy to research any of the people that you vote for. Our government MUST BE REPLACED by honest, competent people that put our country before their pockets.
Obama IS NOT the "messiah" as so many of you call him. He's just a clever, well educated man that is actually incompetent in his present position and is being controlled by his "handlers". He's acting like a little kid. Just falling short of throwing a tantrum because he can't get his way. Watch his facial expressions and body language when he speaks. He's actually talking down to us. His ego is so large that it blinds him from seeing that he is President in name only and the corrupt handlers are "pulling his strings".
You may be thinking that "they" won't let it get much worse...well, when you can't afford your mortgage, to feed your kids or even fuel up you car, don't say that I didn't warn you.
The most expensive commodity that this country has is ignorance. In your ignorance you not only permit this country to be raped but continue to put the people in office that are doing it.


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