Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bailout ???

This morning on "Face The Nation", Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the House) was interviewed and, although she certainly is not my favorite person, I was impressed that she said all of the things that I've been calling for.
Could this have been just "lip service", or is this the way she'll steer Congress ??? Only time will tell.
First, there is the issue of the "bailout" of the banks. She seemed upset that even though the banks have been given an infusion of taxpayer dollars, that they were still unwilling to make new loans. They took our money and bought treasury bills with it. Now they're asking for more money. Why should they get more of our money to invest so they can make profits and not comply with the purpose of giving them that money ?
Next is the automotive industry. They want bailout money too. How can a CEO that earns more than $20 million a year have the nerve to say that even though he was incompetent, he's still entitled to that huge salary but needs the gov't. to bail out his company ?
And, of course there's the insurance industry still clamoring for more federal money. They've already spent what was given to them on bonuses and "retreats' (parties).
Where do I get on line with my hand out for federal money ? I'll have no trouble investing it, paying myself huge sums and having a great party. Is our ineffective Congress going to keep giving away money and printing more to give away until we're broke ? When does this craziness end ?
Well, you voted in a Democratic President and a Democratic House of Representatives and so this is what you're getting for being so stupid. You better "cover your ass" for what's going to happen after Jan. 20th. You are about to see the largest waste of money ever to take place anywhere in world since the dawn of man. Stock up on lots of macaroni & cheese (if you can afford it) because that's what you'll be eating for the next four years.
Right now you're comfortable, sitting back, saying, "that won't happen to me". Well, I'm anxious to rub your nose in it when I tell you, "I told ya so...". Just keep doing what you've always done and ignore the problems while you let Congress make them worse. Come up with the excuses of "I don't understand it", "what can I do about it", "they won't listen to me", etc. Your representatives have already ignored you when 97% of the nation said "NO BAILOUT" and Congress gave us the finger and set aside $700 billion anyway. voted them back in again.......fools. You deserve what's coming.


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