Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm fed up....

I'm fed up with people telling me that if I don't vote for Obama, that I'm a racist.
Apparently this election is about race, not qualifications or character.
As far as qualifications go; Obama hasn't a clue about running anything, especially our country. The only reason that he became a Senator was because he forced his other opponents out and was elected because he was the only one left on the ballot. During his very short term as a Senator, he has done nothing in the Senate but either abstain from voting or blindly voting his party line.
Obama has far less qualifications than Biden, McCain and especially Palin.
On the subject of character; besides ignoring his white roots and being married to a far left evil, militant woman, he has spent most of his adult life being indoctrinated into socialism, communism and black revolution. During his career as a "community organizer", he closely worked with the thugs, unemployed, drug dealers, pimps and the rest of the lowest in Southside Chicago. His organizing was confined to forming mobs for protest marches and intimidating white landlords and white employers.
He preaches "change & hope". What does that mean ? As far as HOPE goes, that's a word used by those that just sit and wait rather than's the word we hear in church on Sundays. The change that he talks about has nothing to do with making our country or government any better; his change is to "redistribute the wealth". That means taking from the productive people and giving to the non-productive people. His first allegiance is to the black population of this country as all of his speeches infer.
In short; Obama is not qualified and is the worst kind of racist.
Ask any black person who they're voting for and why. They'll tell you they're voting for Obama because we need a black man in the White House. Ask them what they know about him or the issues and 9 out of 10 will say that either they don't know or those don't matter.
I could care less what color or sex a candidate is. I will vote for the person that is either best qualified or will do the least amount of damage. Obama is neither...


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