Tuesday, September 02, 2008


What the hell is the matter with the Obama people ? They (including Obama himself) all screamed to not pick on Obama's family. Now it seems absolutely OK for them to pick on the family of Sarah Palin. What f------g hypocrites the Democrats are.
Palin has done everything that both the DNC and NOW say that women should do (with the exception of not aborting a Down's Syndrome baby). How can they find anything wrong with her ?
They can't so they pick on her husband and children even though they scream when it's done to them.
As far as experience goes; Obama has spent most of his term as a Senator not doing his job, but instead, running for President. During that same period, Palin has been the executive running one of the wealthiest states in the country. In addition to cleaning up the corruption in her state, she has a great deal of experience dealing with trade to the Orient. She is an expert on the oil industry. She is a threat to the Washington insiders who might get exposed in their underhanded dealings behind closed doors.
The only experience that Obama has is posturing as a celebrity and "messiah" during the past two years. He has no established record in the Senate. His only claim to fame is his collaboration with black radicals under the guise of "community organizing".
Obama speaks of hope...what the hell does that mean ? Obama speaks of change and selects one of the good old boys of Washington as his running mate. What change is he talking about ?
This has gotten so confusing...is he running against Palin or McCain?
Anyone that's proud to be a Democrat these days, certainly needs some therapy. Every speech that Obama utters becomes a contradiction of a previous speech of his. Without a teleprompter, Obama is lost and stutters through his lies.
McCain may not be your choice or the best choice to run this country, but Obama is certainly one of the worst things that can happen to us. Between his overtly angry wife and his indoctrination of radical, militant racism, he can only help divide this country racially more than it is. Obama will help move civil rights back 50 years.
I really don't care about our President being white or black, being male or female, being rich or poor...I only care that the next President be at least the lesser of the evils.


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