Monday, August 25, 2008

The new title holder...

Many years ago I realized that Roseanne Barr was the angriest woman in America. Then along came Rosie O'Donnell; and she took the title away. A few years later, we were all exposed to Hillary Clinton.
Now the first two were trailer trash, but Hillary was an educated attorney so a new standard of anger and hatefulness was established.
The bar has now been raised. When I first heard that Harvard graduate, Michelle Obama say that "this was the first time in her life that she was proud of America", I started to pat attention to her. Every time I see her on TV and watch her facial expressions, head movement and body language, I'm appalled at how angry she is. With her new hairstyle and practiced smile (for the camera), she tends to fool a lot of people. Michelle has now taken the crown as the angriest woman in America.
We all wondered how long Roseanne or Rosie could remain in a relationship and we all won our bets that it couldn't be very long. With the Clintons, it's strictly because of politics and money that they remain together. After all, how much can Bill take ?
Can you imagine what Barak has to put up with (behind closed doors) with that hateful Michelle ?
After watching her speech at the Democratic Convention, and paying close attention to her tonal qualities, facial expressions, feigned smile and aggressive body language, I actually became afraid of her. If Barak should become our next President, I pity the poor souls on the White House staff. She'll make Hillary seem like an angel.
Congratulations Michelle, you are, without a doubt THE ANGRIEST WOMAN IN AMERICA.


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