Thursday, August 14, 2008

The beginning of the end.

I'm so saddened over the fact that my children (and yours) will have less opportunities and a chance at a better life than I have. What's even worse is that our grandchildren will have even less of a chance at a good standard of living than our children.
During my entire lifetime, the United States of America has always been number one in everything in the world. We were the richest and most powerful nation in the world. Now we've slipped to #5 in medicine, #12 in education, #5 in economic wealth, #3 in standard of living, #2 in automotive and this year we fall to #2 in manufacturing. We're only second to Russia in domestic crime and will probably become first shortly due to illegal immigrants.
I wondered how and why this was happening. After doing a little research the answer just jumped up at me and is now so obvious. Between the liberal thinking and our corrupt and inept Congresses there have been so many laws, restrictions and litigations that any progress is hampered to the point where we have no incentive to better ourselves.
Since the inception of a United States of America, we have fought and struggled to make our lives and our country better with each generation. This generation no longer cares or is even interested in continuing with that trend. Of course, you can come up with reasons or excuses for this fallback in a specific industry or field, but those arguments are irrelevant when you look at "the big picture". The only thing that we lead the world in is auto accidents and a progressively lowering level of education.
You're all content to drive home in your new car and sit in front of your 50" HDTV and bitch about everything that's "wrong" without doing a damn thing about it. Yes, YOU are the reason that our standard of living is falling apart. You have the power to elect people that do give a damn. So far you've gone to the voting booth and elected representatives that had personal agendas and persisted in "buying" votes by "giveaways" to those that refused to contribute to our system. Today, we've become so used to our government taking care of us with "freebies" and political correctness that a huge industry has emerged just to sue everyone and anyone over anything, regardless of who is hurt. Your church has been a partner in all of this by shoving "hope" and charity in your face instead of motivating you to get off your ass and do better.
I'm glad to have been part of the last generation of growth, freedom and prosperity. Fortunately, I'll probably be gone when everything starts to fall apart. Unfortunately, the generations after mine will curse us all for not doing something about it.
Keep your liberal thinking and keep giving this country away and know that the future is your doing. Vote for those that have let this happen; keep them in office so that this downward slide can continue in an orderly fashion. Elect a President that will support a corrupt and incompetent Congress. Do nothing but just go about your daily life as you watch your income slowly dwindle, your cost of living increase, your opportunities disappear, your children become less and less literate, dependent on products and services from other countries as well as poorer health care. As a matter of fact, don't vote at all and let this decline happen more rapidly.
What the hell is the matter with you ?


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