Sunday, January 13, 2008


Since the first man hit another, there has never been a time that there wasn’t a war (or conflict) on this planet. There always have been wars and there always will be wars. The first recorded (writing hadn't been invented prior to that time) war was around 2700 BC. Most wars are over an ideology or belief system, economics, fear, necessity, etc. which are used as the excuses.

The main negative for war is loss of life and property.
Life is easily replaceable as we see with our population expanding, despite war, disease, natural catastrophe, etc.; and there's no problem replacing property.

So this leaves us with the positive for war.
Other than a simple device for brewing beer, every invention of man has been for, or related to war. After a war is over, the inventions made for that war are then used for other things. As an example; stirrups were invented so a warrior could hold a shield in one hand and a sword in the other while attacking on horseback. The buttons on sleeves were originally designed for Napolean's army's uniforms. WWII gave us jets, atomic energy, ball point pens, rayon, nylon, radar, computers, etc. The replacement and rebuilding of destroyed destroyed property is always for the economic good of all.

Since man figured out that his existence depended on war, he has always found reasons to participate in it. We even use religion as an excuse to wage wars. Whether you want to believe it or not; today, the entire world is engaged in a religous war , defending against islam. Some countries have already lost (even though they don't know it) while others are losing because of their political correctness.

Only those that are either too frail or too complacent, object to war.

War is necessary and our survival has always depended upon it.

Of course, this is not the most popular point of view, but it is the way it is…


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