Thursday, April 05, 2007

U.S. Policy undermined

I'm really confused. Is Nancy Pelosi our Vice President or is it Dick Cheney ???
She's acting like she thinks that she's the President or Vice President of our country.
First she goes off on an unauthorized trip (at taxpayer expense) to Syria where our government has minimized relations due to their support of terrorism then she has talks with the President of Iran (probably claiming that she convinced him to release the 15 British troops); and now she's in Saudi Arabia.

Who authorized this trip ? Who is paying for it ? What purpose is it serving ?
The answers are:
(1) No one authorized her to do any such thing. She got up one morning and decided, "How can I embarrass the present administration today"?
(2) You, the taxpayer are picking up the cost of this very expensive "Middle East tour". That's just another way your tax dollars are being wasted...on a whim by a power hungry, ego driven, inept politician.
(3) The only purpose of her trip is to go against U.S. policy and to show the world that she's in power, not George Bush. Her trip has done nothing but undermine all of the communication and negotiating that we've done to date with these terrorist states. She is determined to make our country and the present administration look foolish.

Our constitution defines TREASON as anyone giving the enemy aid or comfort during a time of war. We are engaged in a war and her actions certainly are giving (at the least) comfort to the enemy. NANCY PELOSI HAS COMMITTED TREASON and should be tried for this crime.
What good is having an administration and its policies (whether you agree with them or not) if anyone can just go about falsely representing the United States with their own agenda ?

Please call or write to your representatives in Congress to have this "speaker of the House" removed from office immediately.
DO THIS TODAY before she creates any more insanity. Who knows what she'll do next ?
She is dangerous and is hurting our country (and its future). Although there are those that oppose the present administration, few of them are focused on not doing their job, but rather solely devoting their position to bringing down our present government. We are a Constitutional Republic and should be operating as such.

What I don't understand is, why hasn't our President spoken out about this treasonous act that Pelosi is engaged in. These are very fragile times and only harm can come from someone like her being a "loose cannon". We have procedures and protocols for dealing with other nations; which Pelosi has violated to the extreme.

The scary thing is that if anything should happen to either our President or Vice President, she moves up in office and could be dictating policy and that would be our county's demise.

It is your obligation to get this power hungry woman out of our government. She is a more formal version of Cindy Sheehan.
In times like these, we certainly don't need self appointed spokesmen for our government. I'm appalled at Pelosi's actions and you should be too.


At 6:41 AM, Blogger FILMDUDE said...

Yes..what she is doing seems to be self serving, I am not sure of her intent in the matter. But at the same time, Bush is a retard not seeing that America has asked for an end to the war. She,, Bush and Dick should all be sent to the Gulags they are building.


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