Saturday, December 30, 2006

Where was everyone ?

I'm probably as pleased as anyone over the hanging death of Saddam Hussein. Actually, I think hanging was too kind. He should have been stoned in public until dead.
I have a problem however, over this event.
(1) CNN has no problem showing us our own soldiers being beheaded or shot in the line of duty but CNN has refused to air Saddam Hussein's hanging. What is with that ? So, now we know that CNN is only a "selective" news service that picks what we should know and shouldn't know. So much for "freedom of the press". As far as I'm concerned, CNN is no longer a place to go for any accurate information or the latest in news.
(2) The next problem I have is that not one European nation (most of them abhor the death penalty) expressed any concern over Saddam Hussein's execution. Could it be that countries like France and Germany wanted him dead as soon as possible so he could never tell about their part in supplying him with chemical and biological weapons that he used on his own people ?
(3) ...and most confusing is the absence of a single protest from all those "anti-death penalty" and "religious" groups in this country. It seems that the bleeding heart liberals in the United States are full of crap...the death penalty is even selective with them.
Well, in the future, we are no longer obligated to listen to any protestors because they're really just phonies looking for sympathetic causes rather than standing up 100% of the time for what they claim to believe in.
So, I'm thrilled with Saddam Hussein's death but annoyed by the phoniness of CNN, the European Nations and our own "death penalty" groups. Apparently, it's just fine for all of us to pick and choose what we believe in depending on who or what is involved.
This shows that no one, any longer has any personal integrity......


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