Friday, September 08, 2006

What don't you understand ???

With the 5th anniversary of the Sept.11th attack on our country, Al Jazzera has been announcing celebrations throughout the muslim world. Meanwhile, ex-president Clinton has written to ABC and Disney and forced them to edit out parts of the movie "The Path to 9/11" because it shows how the Clinton administration was to blame for these attacks being able to happen.
It will be interesting to see if this movie even airs this coming Sunday and Monday on ABC. Disney risks getting so much pressure (they could even have their FCC license revoked) from the democrats that we'll never see the original version of this movie. What ever happened to Freedom of Speech ???

Meanwhile, we're spending countless hours trying to figure out the details of having "trials" for the captured combatants (terrorists). We're more interested in the rights of people that want to kill you than we are in supporting our troops that are subject to prosecution for what is being called torture (a little humiliation, a dog barking in a terrorist's face, some yelling at them, etc.). The terrorists, on the other hand, get no mention or outrage by us when they physically torture and behead our soldiers and other Americans that they capture.
After speaking with several of those that have recently returned from Iraq; and their seeing what's going on here with our "bleeding heart" liberal politics, they will not take prisoners in the future. They see the outcome of these coming trials as either the terrorists being let go on some technicality or having to pay for their upkeep in some prison. No matter what the outcome, WE LOSE...

Why isn't the press reporting the atrocities being done by the muslims ? Why isn't the press reporting about all the schools and hospitals that we've set up and opened in Iraq ? Why is the only thing we hear and read is of how bad we are and how unjust we are and how many of our soldiers die or are wounded ??
First of all, why do we have even one soldier in Iraq ? If we couldn't level that country in a weekend, then we shouldn't have gone there in the first place. To remain in Iraq after we captured Saddam was going beyond our original goal. What's all this crap about an "exit strategy" ? When one goes to war, there is only one win that war. Over half a century after WWII we still have troops in Germany and Japan...was there an exit strategy for that war ? No! Once you plan an exit strategy, you've set up a situation that stops you from winning. Just look at what happened in Viet Nam. There, we had an exit strategy.

Why are you sitting back and doing nothing about this ? Why would you even consider the "rights" of a terrorist ? Why would you vote into office any politician that is concerned with terrorists rights ? What's the matter with you ? When are you going to start screaming about how you've lost freedoms so that terrorists can have theirs ?
If you don't take any action immediately, you are condoning this and deserve what you get.
What you'll get is (1)losing more freedoms, (2)having more attacks by muslims, (3)alterations in your lifestyle, and (4)living in fear of when you get to die at their hands.
I know, this all sounds a bit radical, but open your eyes and ears and find out the truth; then take action. Is it going to take a nuclear device going off in your area or a chemical or biological attack in your hometown to get you to do something ? It will then be too late because you'll be dead. Unfortunately, you've not been allowed to know of how many canisters of chemicals and bacteria are found in the hands of muslims all over this country every week. The gov't. doesn't want to panic you. I want to alert you to the fact that the muslims are already here and are plotting your death as you read this. If you don't do something, they (the muslims)win and you're dead.
THERE ARE NO GOOD mUSLIMS...their "religion" demands that they kill the koran to see this Demand.

For the sake of you and your loved ones, do not vote for anyone in office, protest bleeding heart liberals, write to your legislators, alert your friends and neighbors and above all, make life unbearable to any muslim you see.


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