Sunday, February 05, 2006

What's with islamists ???

Are you still believing those muslims that tell you that their religion is one of peace and love ? All you have to do is read the koran (chapter 9) to see what islam is all about.
First of all, islam is the only belief system in the world that has NO moral code. The koran says that it is alright to lie, cheat, burn, maim, kill, etc. in order for one to get their way. Yes, this IS in the koran.
There is nothing in islam that gives any human any rights.
This recent "outcry" and destructive mob violence about a few cartoons of their perverted icon, mohammed is absurd.
Have you ever seen a muslim demonstrate that violence is a bad thing ? The only demonstrations that I'm aware of were cheers and celebrations by the muslim world after 9-11, after the London and Spain attacks, after the USS Cole bombing, after any violence that destroys life and property (even against their own people).
The lowest form of life on this planet does not act this way. No animal acts this way. Muslims aren't even animals; they're the very lowest form of life and should be eliminated like any other disease spreading insect or pest. These people (muslims) do not have a place in our world and their teachings and way of thinking MUST be eradicated before they inflict any more damage on humanity.
No, I'm not a bigot; I'm just afraid that someday I (and you) will fall victim to their rampages in destroying what we have spent thousands of years to build.
islam is NOT a religion, it's a cult...
Just limiting muslims in any particular country or area is no solution. islam MUST be entirely eradicated from the entire planet if the rest of us are to survive. What will it take for you to do something about them ? Do you need to lose a loved one at their hands before you'll act ? Do you have to see them cut off your son or daughters head on TV before you'll act ? Do they have to set of a nuke, germs or chemicals in your town before you'll act ? What will it take before anyone steps forward and starts doing something about these vermin ?
You have never met a muslim that is honest; so stop listening to them when they tell you that the koran preaches love and peace. Either they are lieing or they haven't read it and are ignorant. islam WILL kill you !
muslims are ready to kill and destroy for any reason (or no reason), at any time, anywhere. Watch your self at all times. Do not even talk to a muslim. Make ever muslim that you know as uncomfortable as you can. Get them to leave our neighborhoods, our cities, our country, our continent, the planet. islam MUST become a "thing of the past". There is no reason to permit its existence for one more day.
The muslim world's mission is to rule the world and in order to do that, it must kill and destroy everyone and everything that stands in its way. This is a new kind of "world takeover" as in the past, it was a country and people in uniforms that identified them as the aggressor. Today it is a population of radicals without borders or uniforms that has spread out all over the planet like a virus to destroy you and yours.
I am not saying that we must kill them, I'm saying that we must contain them and forbid any further teachings or printings of anything islamic and let this generation die off. That's how we kill any disease...isolate it and let it "burn itself out".
If you don't act now, you may never get the chance to act against this "disease" before it gets you... Just take some time and read the koran and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about and why I fear their teachings and actions.
islam is a "religion" of hate and war. The koran was written by a perverted, insane person that came down from a mountain, formed an army and set about destroying the world around him in order to suppress women and control men. He (mohammed) was more fanatical than Hitler or Stalin.
Read the koran and you be the judge. Look into the history of mohammed and you be the judge. Look at what is happening worldwide and you be the judge.
There are NO GOOD muslims anywhere; there are only muslims that want you dead.


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