Tuesday, September 27, 2005

2 topics 2day...

I can't believe that the state of Louisiana is asking for $250 billion of your tax dollars to cleanup and rebuild New Orleans. For years, they've been getting millions of your dollars to maintain the levees and sea walls. They chose to use that money instead to build a superdome and pay the New Orleans Saints $20 million/ year to stay in New Orleans. The only reason anyone would want to stay in that filthy, corrupt, crime ridden city is if they were either too lazy or stupid to leave or they were being paid to stay there. Since most of the state is on either welfare and/ or other gov't. progams, why would one want to give that up and have to work in order to eat and have shelter ?
Organizations from all over the world has been pouring a ton of money into New Orleans. We know that the Red Cross has kept their "fair share" for "administrative costs" and that there is no accounting for the money pouring in.
So, while people like Ray Nagin are "salting away" millions in some secret bank account in the Caymen Islands, little to nothing is taking place unless federal dollars are being used. Where have your donations gone ? No one knows ! Don't you feel RIPPED OFF ?
I haven't heard Florida, Mississippi, Alabama or even Texas request any federal money...don't they need it too ? After all, those states suffered damage from Katrina and Rita also.

I want every one of you to contact your Congressmen and Senators and tell them that if they give a cent of federal money (actually your money) you will vote them out of office when they run for reelection. Send letters, e-mails and telegrams to the White House and tell our President to stop this give-away.

This will blow you away...
Over 80 percent of the contracts to clean up and rebuild New Orleans were given out on a no-bid basis to companies and individuals that don't even have a company that are friends of or connected to the Mayor or Governor. The only company that I can think of that is prepared, qualified and adequately staffed to do this work, happens to be Halliburton. Again, we have the formula for your tax dollars being ripped off.
This is how they're going to do it. Every one of these companies will be employing illegal aliens (mostly Mexicans) because they are claiming that the residents of Louisiana that could be hired are either poor white trash with no skills or poor blacks with no work ethic, and that Mexicans will work hard and for low pay. These company's books will reflect union wages paid to these illegals and they will pocket the difference from what they're actually paying them.
A side effect of this is that it will bring both the white and black communities together against the illegals. Our gov't. has to do something about this before it gets out of hand. One of the last things that we need is a race riot in Louisiana. Again, I urge you to write to your gov't. representatives to get rid of the illegals in this country and not permit them to re-enter.
One solution might be the rounding up of every undocumented alien, move them to Army training bases and send them to Iraq for a 4 year tour of duty. Upon return, they be automatically given citizenship and all the rights and privileges that that entails. Those that won't serve should be put in labor camps to maintain unused farmlands. This will free up our troops to come home and be able to control our borders from those trying to sneak in.
Congress must also pass a law that children of illegals that are born in this country ARE NOT citizens. Besides the illegals taking the jobs away from the otherwise employable poor, they are a huge drain on our resources, even causing medical clinics and emergency rooms around the country to close.
This problem needs immediate attention and immediate action...nothing will be done until we all voice our concern to those that CAN do something about this.


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