Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Bottom Line.

Ok, so now there will be a myriad of probes, investigative teams, reports, etc. to be able to lay blame for the New Orleans disaster. Depending on whether one is a Democrat (Bush hater) or a Republican, these investigations will be biased.
The bottom line is that:
(1) There have been federal funds (even with the cutback) available to fix and maintain the sea walls around New Orleans (it was the sea wall that broke not the levees, as you've been led to believe). That idiot, Kathleen Blanco has consistently turned down these funds because she claimed that the conditions were too restrictive. The gov't. specified that the money be spent only on repair, maintenance and further construction...and nothing else.
(2) Two days before Katrina hit, Bush called Blanco and asked if she wanted any federal assistance. She said that she had it all under control.
(3) On the day that Katrina hit, Blanco was again offered assistance from the gov't. and this time she refused it, saying that she needed a day or so to think about it.
(4) Meanwhile, that race card playing, idiot Mayor, Ray Nagin DID NOT implement the evacuation plan (that was already in place) and ordered everyone to the Dome. When they got there, there were NO PROVISIONS such as water, medicines or food. All of the buses that were part of the evacuation plan, sat idle.
(5) Federal troops CAN NOT come into (invade) a state without the Governor's authority. Once Bush saw the incompetency of the part of the Governor and the Mayor, he declared a state of emergency and troops, food, water, helicopters, medical ships, etc. were then able to converge on the area.
(6) FEMA has so many regulations that it was impossible for them to be of any help because of the huge bureaucracy that they've set up. [By the way, did you know that FEMA has the power to suspend Congress and the Constitution in an emergency ? This is very scary as they can take over the country and ignore anything the President says.]
(7) Everyone in the world knew Katrina was coming; they knew when, where, and how big it was and only the responsible people chose to get out of harms way to save themselves and their families and pets.

So, the big bottom line is:
(A) We must realize that minorities are so conditioned to having the gov't. do everything for them, that they will not take the initiative to do anything for themselves (except loot and steal of course).
(B) No minority (including women) should ever to be allowed a public office again. If you think Kathleen Blanco is an idiot, just look at some of the female senators and Congressmen that are in office and look at their voting records and their "pet" projects. Go ahead, vote for Hillary and you've seen nothing yet. Can you site one good minority Governor, Mayor, Congressman or Senator that has done anything, ever to make their costituency better off ? No, you can't; they only run for office to fatten their own pockets; and in the case of the women in gov't., this is strictly a power trip for them.

If you vote for a woman, a black, a Mexican, etc.; you deserve what you get. Remember, I warned you !


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